At the Kleinsters’ Place…

 So, it was such a nice reunion at the Kleins’.

Three women, wives, mothers, & friends.  All members of Ann Arbor Seventh-day Adventist Church (at one point).  All teachers (at one point) at Ann Arbor Adventist Elementary.  All pregnant at the same time (almost twice)!!  All quit teaching to be at home with their kids.  All aspiring violin players.  All healthy-eaters (or at least wannabe).  All “Little House” fans.  All Carob-Crunchy fans.  All wishing we could start a mini-school where we could team-teach our kids.  (It’d be the absolute BEST school ever.)  All planning a LONG vacation to the U.P. so they can spend time with the Ramoses who left them almost 3 years ago, right?!     

Julie & John, Kerri & Daniel, Judy, & all the children!  (Minus Israel.  )   

Chomping on haystacks & smoothies!  It was YUMMY!

Partying for a belated birthday bash for Manu. 

Julie & Kerri posing with pretty smiles.

Playing games!  Their house is like toy-heaven.

Playing with Lincoln Logs (or maybe more like demolishing!)


Smiling Jessica – Julie’s brown-eyed baby!

Judy reading and the rest of the kids listening.  (Judy is 6 years old and is reading “Little House” books already…she is a child genius!  And maybe a teacher in the making?!)

The kids chilling.

Thanks, Kleins, for hosting us!  Thanks Daniel (& Kerri too) for taking the pics!  The next party will be at our place this summer.  We miss you all!  

6 thoughts on “At the Kleinsters’ Place…”

  1. That’s hilarious! I love your description. We DO have a lot in common, don’t we?! I just wish you could put “All still living near Ann Arbor.” But I like your idea of the next party up there this summer. And maybe by the time Manu & Juan are school age you will be back ready for our dynamic homeschool to kick off. (Wishful thinking. But maybe we can do some video chat school sessions. Don’t they do that for college? Why not start young?) 🙂 Thanks for posting–I’m so far behind in my posts I probably wouldn’t have gotten it up so I’ll piggyback on yours. 🙂 It was soooooo great to see you guys and spend some time with you. We had a lot of fun. Looking forward to the summer………….P.S. We missed you Israel! 

  2. aw…  almost makes me wish i was married with kids…  (haha!  NOT.  ahem…  I mean, uh…. uh………)  starting over. too bad (well, not really) b/c Jesus would have come before they get to high school age and are ready for me!  =)  i’m excited to see them grow and mature.  you familes are really an encouragement to me that true Christlike living is possible, and actually being done.  It’s inspiring and really heartening.  Keep on!My “captured heart” tries to fly and get out of the cage when you put your mouse over it.  poor thing.   Cool! and I just checked: your volcano erupts!  i like this ‘editing comment’ option.  a lot.  

  3. @jensa07 – Jen, I’m glad this post impacted you in such a great way.  That was the whole point of this post, you know.  I’ve always felt it my mission to inspire you to fulfill your material desires.  HAHAHAHAHA!!!!  Okay, I promise to never bring that up again.  BAHAHAHAHA!  But it was just so funny…  *sigh*  I love you, Jen.  And if the Lord tarries, my kids are going wherever you are for academy!  

  4. @rAmOsEs – taking a quick lunch break (at home!) it is nice.  I’m glad my “maternal instincts” give you such a kick.  i didn’t think you’d enjoy it THAT much.  hehe.  i love you too Jude.  and i suppose you laughing at me is ok because even now when I remember “that prayer” I laugh OUT LOUD.  sigh.  who can have stress when you have stuff like that?

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