First Date

This evening was special. 

This morning was chaotic.  Israel had to catch a flight to head downstate at 5pm and my parents are coming tomorrow to visit with us for about a week (while Israel has his meeting and then goes to Germany).   We spent  the whole morning doing chores, and getting things together before Israel left.  On the way to the airport to drop Israel off, I was so hungry I thought I was going to faint.  So, I knew that I wanted to eat something soon.  We saw Israel off and I decided to pick up some food.

Imanuel and I drove over to Quizno’s (-thanks, Steph for the tip!).   After pulling into the plaza, I decided that we might as well eat in since we didn’t have much to do at home and Israel was gone.  So, we went in, just the two of us (-technically 3, but you understand what I mean).  I ordered:  1 large veggie sub, 1 small bag of original Sun Chips, and a drink.  I got Imanuel his high chair, we said a prayer together, and we began to eat our little dinner.  Then it hit me that this was the first time that just the two of us went to eat at a restaurant together.  It was our first date.  Our conversation was more muted than usual since there was no dog to reprimand, no daddy to add to our conversation, no friends to talk with.  We would occasionally be interrupted by customers who wanted to say “hello” to Imanuel or tell me how cute he was.  But in so many ways, it was a special time where I could just look into my son’s eyes, as he’d smile at me and ask for another slice of olive, and not think of anything else in the world, but him.     

Every time Israel leaves on a trip, it’s easy for me to go into work-a-holic mode and try to keep myself occupied to pass the time.  But tonight more than ever, I realized the number of days I had with Imanuel as my only child were numbered.  In less than a month, I would be spread thin with the newborn and Imanuel’s world would be turned upside down.  So, I decided that we’d do something special together this evening.  We stopped by the video store and got “Homeward Bound – The Incredible Journey” (- I figured he would like watching the animals).  At home, I popped some popcorn (-it was Imanuel’s first time eating it and he LOVES it), and we snuggled up in the basement and watched as Shadow, Chance, and Sassy found their way back home.   And of course as Imanuel got tired of watching, we played with some of Imanuel’s toys that I had packed away for a few months.  He was very excited.

It was nothing big, but we both had a blast just being in each other’s company with no distractions.  We did a lot of playing and laughing together.  We ended the evening with worship together and now as I reflect on the evening, I’m so thankful that we had this time alone.  A time completely dedicated to being together and enjoying it.  No dishwashing, cleaning, or emails to compete with.  I’m not sure when the next chance we’ll have to spend an entire afternoon/evening with just the two of us, but I hope it’s something we can do more especially as he gets older. 

So, this entry is especially for Imanuel and our special times with just the two of us.  I know you won’t remember this evening.  But when you grow older, I will tell you about this special night when I realized that there aren’t many more things that I’d rather be doing than spending time with you.  Only God knows the love and joy you bring to me!

12 thoughts on “First Date”

  1. awwww… *tear. I nominate this for the next volume of those Joe Wheeler books (the guy who wrote Focus on the Family’s “Christmas in My Heart” series of books.)That’s too precious.

  2. WOW… this is such a beautiful and special post. Now that we have the newborn at home (Elisa) and see the struggle in the heart of the little toddler (Juan), I can tell you that Imanuel will cherish moments like those very much.I told Kerri not to read it now because it was a ‘sappy’ post and she insisted…. see what you did… there she goes crying. I guess you can attribute it to the post-partum hormones

  3. that’s chicken soup for the soul quality!
    i miss your wee one and harassing him and his nose-kissing-fetish…sigh..i hope he’s still in that phase the next time i see him! train him. =)

  4. aw jude.  this makes me miss you guys all the more.  i want to see mandoo in all his glory.  you guys should visit me.  SOON!  you can even have the baby in my tub, I promise I’ll make it as comfortable as possible…  =)   miss you and  love you too…  I talked to someone today who knows Israel.  It’s a small world. 

  5. very nice!i didn’t know that’s possible to have “dates” w/ the little now…..good for you….hope Israel is not too gelousw……heheheh….. you’re doing good. Hang in there! (i remember those times when ZJon would be gone for days :(…

  6. Judy, I wish I was with you right now. Thanks so much for all that you do, I’m a very lucky person and so is Imanuel and our next one. You are such a good wife and mother. Miss you and can’t wait to see you tomorrow! IR

  7. How sweet! I am reminded of a story I read about Suzanna Wesley, the mother of John & Charles Wesley, who had 22 children. She carved out time each week to spend alone with each child in friendsip and training them to love Jesus. Two of the greatest reformers were the result of that one-on-one time. Keep it up! You never know what Imanual may grow up to be.

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