The Scavenger Hunt (after Easter)

So, I’ve been known to be cheap.  Maybe I should rephrase that.  I’ve been known to only buy things that are on sale (and thus cheap)…and I relish in the fact that I am getting a great deal.  Now I don’t think I was born like this.  I was raised to be quite frugal, but I’ve had a couple of crucial key experiences in my life that have caused me to be as I am…  

DKAY – (Detroit Korean Adventist Youth – the original “KAY” as far as I’m concerned) was at one time filled with like-minded individuals.  We always had annual Christmas Gift Exchanges.  I think we still do in fact.  Anyway, as opposed to everyone get the gifts anytime/anywhere, on the day after Thanksgiving – aka Black Friday – we would ALL go to the Birch Run Outlets to get our gifts.  Meaning we got gifts 1)from outlets and 2)on sale.  You cannot get a better deal than that.  You can imagine just how far the $15-$20 could go with items being up to 75% off!  I think one year we actually waited until after X-mas day (to have it joint with New Years) so we got some really killer sales then too.  So, thank you, all of you DKAY “OG”s!  I wouldn’t be the way I am without you!  

GODIVA CHOCOLATIERS TWELVE OAKS was my first job when I was in high school.  It was a wonderful job…low stress, decent pay, and lots of yummy benefits.  Holidays were the busiest times – particularly Valentines, Christmas, and Easter.  The price of our chocolates back then was $31 per pound.  Now (-I just looked on their website) it is up to $40 per pound!  Anyway, people would easily spend $60+ for gift baskets on special occasions.  However, the day after, all holiday items would be marked 50% off.  That combined with my employee discount, it was an absolute steal!  Now, to me, it just doesn’t make any sense how someone could buy something paying twice the amount just to give a gift “on time”.  In fact, after the first time Israel bought me some Godiva chocolates, I told him about the day after half-off sales. So, every time after that, he always waited until the day after.  If your boyfriend did that to you, perhaps you’d think it was pretty low and ghetto.  But, I didn’t mind one bit! 

So, with all of that said, I will share my final experience (today) that may continue on as a Ramos Family Tradition.  Israel was gone for the past week for conference and GYC meetings.  He came home late last night and since today is Monday, he took the day off.  So, we thought of the perfect, fun, family activity.  Yesterday was Easter and today was the day after.  We went to Walmart and everything “Eastery” was 50-75% off.  So, we got some “Eastery” things there and planned a Scavenger Hunt for the boys.    Using about $6, we had everything that we needed – easter eggs, easter baskets, and easter goodies among other goodies.    

Green basket for Imanuel, Blue basket for Micah.  75 cents each.

I think we had around 20 decorative and sports-themed eggs that I filled and hid around the house.  Imanuel not understanding that they are supposed to look like “eggs” made this comment about their shapes:  “Mama, basketballs and baseballs aren’t like this, only footballs are like this!”

Bentley helped me hide the eggs…NOT.  More like tried to steal them and sneak off with them!  That’s why we’re still missing one now.  The game is not over yet!

What a wonderful surprise inside!!  An individually-wrapped PRUNE!  Don’t worry, they weren’t all filled with prunes.  (Although Imanuel thought they were yummy too!)  Others had fruit snacks and candies too. 

Imanuel stuffing a prune in his mouth.  He was very happy today.  And he learned how to be a good egg/ball hunter!

Daddy helped Micah find the eggs so he technically cheated.  But he had fun getting them and putting them in his little blue basket.  🙂  Eating the goodies was obviously his favorite part.

Until next time bunny basket…

Well, that was the story of today.  I hope all of you are inspired to take advantage of “day-after” sales.  Hallmark and other stores (like Walmart) make business by pressuring us into spending tons of money to celebrate a “day”.  I say, take advantage of the “after holidays”!  We could start a revolution.

“When you’re getting a great deal, things are always more fun and exciting”!  – Judy R. Ramos        

Good night, all.

4 thoughts on “The Scavenger Hunt (after Easter)”

  1. i LIKE that! You’re my kind of girl!!…. I believe in using the $$ wisely and getting the deals intead of paying the ridiculous prices :)….And I wouldn’t mind either to have Jon give me a gift the day AFTER, so he could get a good deal :). Anyway, it seems you guys had fun! good for you. All the best.

  2. so cute!  haha… makes me miss Bentley.  looks like you guys had a ton of fun…  my philosophy of money is different.  like i tell people, “Money is for spending.”  maybe that is not the most thrifty of theories, but hey, I am happy.  i do like a bargain though, and since i’m not sentimental, day-after bargains are all good for me.  except in my case, i forego the event altogether!  sigh.  how close are you now to being TRUE?  =)so deals are fun and exciting for you, huh.  i’m still trying to figure out my fun and exciting….  

  3. hehe.  i always liked our christmas gift exchanges… after christmas.  🙂  it’s genius, and you’re right, it should apply to all holidays!

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