The Last Month

Here are some pics and an update from this past month.  Things have been extremely busy with Israel being in and out and trying to get things in order before the baby comes.  In less than 6 days, we’ll get to see the little one…who apparently isn’t quite so little.  The doc is predicting that this kid is at least 8.5 lbs! 

Oct. 4 – Israel took all of us to Green Bay for my b-day.  We stayed in a nice resort for the night and enjoyed some fun and crazy activities.  And that’s all I’m going to say about that.  😉

No comment about the pic.

However, I will take this opportunity to tell a funny story about Bentley.  A couple months ago, I was sitting on the couch and Bentley came over and sat on my lap.  He was leaning on my tummy when all of a sudden the baby kicked really hard and abruptly.  Bentley jumped up and looked at my belly wondering what just hit him.  It was funny. 

This pic was taken on Nov. 3 and it was snowing.  I think it was like the 2nd snow fall of the season. 

My parents came the last week of Oct/first week of Nov.  It was so nice to have them here!  Imanuel was so sad when they had to leave.  Even now, he’ll talk about how “Hal-muh-nee” and “Hal-buh-gee” are “gone” and how they went “bye bye”.  Then he’ll want to call them…

These last pics are of me and my boys.  They were taken tonight. 

Imanuel loves kissing his baby brother…

…and hugging him.

Not sure if I’ll post again until I have the baby, but here are some future posts that I’d like to put up eventually:
– top memories from this pregnancy (special tributes)
– best surprise baby shower (waiting for the pics)
– and obviously the baby’s arrival 

If you can remember, please keep us in prayer particularly on  Monday, Nov. 19.  Surgery is scheduled at 7am.  We can’t wait! 

10 thoughts on “The Last Month”

  1. LOVE the pics of Imanuel kissing & hugging the baby! That is SO sweet. I hope he’s not too disappointed when mommy’s “belly” starts taking a lot more of her time. 🙂 We will pray for his adjustment to “big brotherhood” as well as a safe and healthy delivery for you and the littlest Ramos. We love you guys and miss you so much. (So much that Daniel saw the post and started calling you but he hung up when he realized that it was 11:25pm)

  2. Hi, Judy. Yes, we have been thinking about you having the baby soon and we’ll be praying for you. it feels so weird to know exactly the day and hour when the little one will come, right?!?!?!? Hopefully all goes well and you’ll recover soon. You’re a tough cookie, you know 😉 . Immanuel is getting cuter and cuter, he’ll have a blast with his brother, and you, wow, you’ll be very well protected with 3 men in your life!!! Did u say 8.5 lbs? nice!!!
    the last pic of you and IA is so precious. God bless you all.

  3. hi judy, you really look like justin’s mom in that last picture… well, i guess thats not a big surprise because justin’s mom = your mom… i’m so smart

  4. baby immanuel is such a cutie hugging your belly! good luck with the birthing process. i just saw one on tv last night! i can’t wait to smother baby #2 with my love! (even though i know israel won’t like it) i cant wait for your future posts judy! xoxo

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