A Rough Week for Micah

This week, Micah has gone through so much.  I feel so sorry for him.  I will not go into details, but he had a very traumatic experience, he’s had to go to the hospital twice, he’s on antibiotics, he had to get a lead/iron test and 6 vaccines (in the same visit – 1 on each arm and 2 on each thigh), he has diarrhea (-I think from the medication), and this all happened without his daddy and brother around.  Lucky me. 

I felt so sorry for him on the way home from his doctor’s appointment today so I took him out to eat at Quiznos.  I thought I’d officially make it a “first date” tradition.  (I wrote a post on my first date with Manu way back before Micah was born.  It was actually at about the same age.  We went to Quiznos.)  It was nice.  He only wanted to eat the Baked Lays and the cookie…oh, and lots of juice.  He was so giddy off of the raspberry lemonade that he would just look at the other customers and giggle.  Anyway, he just looks so pathetic.  But he is holding up strong. 

We have one bit of good news.  His height percentile has surpassed his weight percentile!  He is no longer “overweight”!  🙂  His height is 75% and weight is 60%.  I think walking has really slimmed him down.  Yay for Micah!! 

He is starting to talk a lot more and really express himself.  His fav sentence by far is “More, Mama.”  He’ll repeat this over and over to anyone who has something he wants.  Well, he’s obviously talking to me, but he wants me to give him whatever that person has.  He likes to pretend he’s talking on the phone (with any object that he can put to his ear).  He’ll babble and then say, “Buh-Bye!”  He enjoys telling Bentley “No” or “Down” when he is trying to steal his food.  Then he gives in and feeds him some anyway.  Oh, and his new favorite instrument during Sabbath worship is the kazoo.  With Micah on the kazoo and Manu on the harmonica, worships can get quite lively…with me singing solo.  It’s lots of fun, though.  Micah is super-silly.  We thought Manu was silly…but Micah far surpasses him, particularly with is cheesy laugh and fake babble.  And of course, he is a monkey and copies everything his brother does. 

As I speak, Israel, Manu and Uncle Daniel are on their way home from the CAMPUS year-end meeting.  It has been 3 days since they left us.  Micah and I have truly bonded these past few days.  I’m thankful for the quality time we were able to have together.  I’m also glad that the Lord watched over us and kept us safe.  He always seems to give me strength in due season.  Well, the weather is warming up and in a funny way, I feel as though a new chapter of our lives is beginning.  At the same time, I feel like I have no idea what I’m writing about.  Anyway, that’s all I want to share.  I think I need a nap… 

Micah after I buzzed his hair for the first time.  🙂             

5 thoughts on “A Rough Week for Micah”

  1. adorable! sorry Micah’s sick. first date at Quizno’s…i really like that 🙂 Can’t wait to see him actually talking and walking!

  2. on behalf of emma, i’d like to say sorry.  =P  some things just can’t be helped.  micah is adorable. can’t wait to see him again!!!  i’m glad he’s not overweight anymore.  (it’s like a personal milestone, maybe.)hope you guys are well and that everyone made it back safely.  ttys! 

  3. I don’t know if Micah will remember this week or not, but I still remember vividly my traumatic experience (playing hockey with golf clubs) and getting stitches in the hospital.  But Dad took me to McDonald’s (just him and me) and it was totally worth it!

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