Introducing: Micah Christian Ramos

This morning, at 3:00 am, Judy and I headed to the hospital for our C-Section scheduled for 7:00.  We arrived at the hospital at around 4:00 to get her prepared for the delivery. 

Right on time, we went into the OR, and 28 minutes later, our second son entered the world with a voice that gives competition to that of his older brother.  He has a lot of hair on his head–more than Imanuel had, but it’s lighter.  In many ways, the two Ramos Boys look the same at first glance.

I was able to be with Judy during the delivery, and she did very well.  We’re thankful to God that everything went very well and we were able to enjoy this moment together.  Imanuel loves his brother even though it took him a little time to get used to him.  He calls him by his name and constantly comments on his hat, how he sleeps.  He likes touching his nose and grabs his face to kiss him.

The details:

//8lbs 14oz 20in//
Our pediatrician is a member of our church and makes killer Thai food: Dr. Rajanee Sripaipan

The three of us.

They hooked Judy up to this machine — it’s a heater!

The hose plugged into her robe

This was the result.  (We had to hold Judy down from flying away)

They poked Judy 5 times before being able to get the IV in.  It was kind of painful for her.

But she tried to maintain a happy spirit…

This is how she really felt though

Before the surgery

Getting ready to supervise the doctors

Micah is born, Dr. Rajanee is holding him.

Good lungs

Me and my boy Micah.  (Judy wasn’t able to hold him for a pic yet)
Thanks to Tom and Daniel for calling to pray with us–good Adventist elders.  And thanks to all of those who kept us in prayer.

We look forward to the Thanksgiving holiday with our growing family.

32 thoughts on “Introducing: Micah Christian Ramos”

  1. Yeaaaaahhhhhhh!!!! Praise God from whom all blessings flooooowww!!!C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !Nicodemus wondered how a man could enter his mother’s womb to be born a second time, but we see that Micah has that all figured out. He was born on the 9th (see announcement) and then again on the 19th. He looks really good for all that work! Another cutie like his brother. :-oWe are so happy for you and thankful to God that all went well and is well…Can’t wait to meet Micah.. we love the name too!love,Mendezes

  2. Congratulations!! I’m so glad this delivery went smoother 🙂 Micah is a cutie…I like his name too. Judy hope your recovery is quick and uneventful. Israel take good care of her 🙂 See ya at GYC!

  3. Welcome to the world, Micah! I think you’ve got a bit more of your mama than your older bro, but time will tell. The picture of your mom smiling even after they opened her up is testimony that the love of a parent cannot be matched. You are loved beyond your imagination. And I love you, too!

  4. hey israel…(i already talked to you so i don’t have to say congrats again)…you might want to change the date on the announcement. it was the 19th bro…yesterday. i know you’re probably tired. haha. 😉

  5. wow, PTL!so adorable and cute! we’re glad everything went fine. We were thinking about you on the big day. Now, why did they have to put a heater or whatever on Judy? I missed that one….anyway, too bad they had to poke her so many times ( they did the same to me, it’s no fun). Well, congratulations and have a great holiday. Judy, you did a good job. Have fun with the 3 men in your life now!

  6. CONGRAAAAAAAAAATS!I’m so happy for you two!Micah Christian…I love his name!Yah, it looks like he has a good set of lungs on him…Maybe he’ll be a lawyer. ;]Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. So Baby Micah’s arrived!!! ^^ Praise God everything went smoothly! He’s a cutie just like his older brother. Imanuel is going to ADORE his little brother! (I remember hearing stories of how thrilled I was when Jon was born. I LOVED him!!! Would wake him up everytime my mom would put him to sleep because I wanted to play with him.) Imanuel’s got a play buddy now.^^ God bless your beautiful family and happy recovery Judy! Congratulations!!!

  8. congrats again, though Judy, didn’t get to talk to you.  Glad this momentous event was hopefully less stressful, and that Israel could supervise the docs (thus your recovery, Judy, should be much quicker).  ha ha, anyways, can’t wait to see him, =) 

  9. i love micah already! wow he was born quite big.i’m so excited to meet him!!!God is good aye? congrats judy/israel/mandoo…your boy looks impossibly adorable.can’t wait to squish his cheeks and shower him with lots of LOVE!ya’ll made my Thanksgiving a bit more special.

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