Thanksgiving Break

This Thanksgiving Break, Sebastien, Thando, and Jo came to the U.P. to visit with us and Sikhu.  We had a nice time together and we hope they did too!  It was extra special because “Auntie Jo-Jo” (that’s what IA calls her) celebrated her 22nd birthday up here. 

This pic depicts what Sikhu likes to call an oreo.  I say it’s  more like a lemon-cream-filled oreo. 

Uncle Sebastien and baby Micah struggling to keep their eyes open.

There we go.

He had a booger up his nose and Sikhu was staring at it. 

~Happy 60th Birthday, Jo! ~  😛

Check out the look of genuine surprise…

Israel picked out the card.  That’s all I have to say.

~ Brothers ~
Imanuel loves his brother very much and so far has not shown any signs of jealousy (PTL).  He is learning how to be gentle when kissing/hugging him and how to speak quietly when his baby brother is sleeping.  We hope and pray that he’ll be a godly role model and friend to Micah. 

9 thoughts on “Thanksgiving Break”

  1. just because I haven’t been able to visit in a while doesn’t mean I’m forgotten, right??  i know you guys are busy.  you’re in my prayers, including mandoo, who can be a great example not only to his new brother, but (as he grows up) to the world!  i’m eyeing some time in December/January as a viable time to rekindle ye ole UP flame…  and to reacquaint myself with IAR who really was just a mandoo the last time I saw him… 

  2. wow, Judy it seems you’re recovering so fast! That’s wonderful/. ANd the little one is really cute. It’s good ot hear the brothers get along so far 😉 Blessings to you all./

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