Two Weeks

It’s hard to believe that Micah will only be two weeks tomorrow.  It seems as though we’ve had him for months.  It’s been a joy watching Micah grow and change.  He eats so much.  (This is perfect for my weight-loss plan.)  We went to see his doctor when he was one week old and he weighed 9 lbs 5 oz!  Anyway, his umbilical cord fell off this past Thursday and this evening he got his first tub bath which was nice.  Imanuel is doing great.  He loves his brother and makes sure he gives him a kiss whenever he sees him.  He calls him “baby”, “Micah”, and “brother”.  It’s very sweet.      
On a different note, we’ve had severe weather for nearly a week now and it’s been snowing almost non-stop!  Israel has had the wonderful job of snow-blowing our driveway and clearing off the deck & some lawn so Bentley can go potty.   Imanuel also had his first snow outing for this year and had a blast.  He loves the snow!

Micah soaking in the last rays of sun…

Micah & Imanuel

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