Micah Christian is Enormous (& other updates)

As of today, (Israel is en route to Taiwan) and Micah is officially wearing clothes for 6 month olds.  We weighed him a few days ago and he was 15 lbs.  Typically babies should double their birth weight when they are 3 months.  However, Micah almost doubled his weight in one month.  AND, he was a big baby. 
Anyhow, I just wanted to say that God has been so good to us.   We’ve been so blessed to have both of our families come up and visit during Thanksgiving and Christmas.  They’ve been such a great help with taking care of the boys and it’s just been so much fun!  I don’t even want to take naps during the day!  (Except for today…somehow I knocked out on the bed after I put Micah down for a nap.)  It’s truly been like a super-duper long vacation.   So, here’s a big thank you to both sets of parents and our siblings.  You have been a blessing to us!
GYC was also a blessing.  (Jen, I went!)  My mom and I pretty much just chilled in the hotel room.  Every time we did venture out to attend a meeting, some sort of disaster seemed to happen.  Prime example being when Iman rushed the stage when Israel was preaching opening night.  He would have run up on stage were it not for the security lady who had to block him…twice.  BUT, the few meetings that we were able to hear live and via the live streaming on the 3ABN website were powerful.  I can’t wait to hear the messages when they’re put up on the website.  I wasn’t able to attend the last meeting/charge, but Israel was really moved by it.  We completely trust that God is going to do something extraordinary with the new E-com.   We’re praying for you guys. 
Of course it was great to see such a concentration of friends in one place too!  The other day, we were reflecting on how blessed our children are to have so many uncles and aunties who love the Lord.  If by God’s grace, our children are there, we believe each of you will have played a special part. 
Well, I’m going to close here.  Tomorrow will be my first time officially attending church after 5 weeks.  I’ll need to get a some things ready tonight if I want us to make it in time.  My brother, Justin, will be preaching so it’ll be a nice treat.  Hope everyone has a happy Sabbath!  I know I will. 

PS:  Pray for Israel!  He’ll be in Taiwan for the GC Youth Congress.  Let’s also pray that God blesses the meetings there.

IA and MC sporting the outfits that Imo bought for them.

Sahm-choon exhausted from all his finals…but ready to baby-sit!

Imo is ready to peace-out to go on a cruise with a mission. 

Micah with his grams…

Micah sporting his Christmas shirt that his daddy bought for him.  Merry 1st Christmas!

Micah Christian at 1 month.  Daddy, come home soon!

6 thoughts on “Micah Christian is Enormous (& other updates)”

  1. hi Judy! i’m too lazy to log in hence i’m posting as “anonymous.” it was sooo good to see you at GYC. nice and healthy with your beautiful boiz~~! so sad it’s always so brief~! IA and MC are absolutely adorable..they are going to be tough little thangs growing up in the UP. lol~! hope you guys continue to have wonderful holidays~! keep us posted~ 😉

  2. judy!!!! i can’t wait to meet micah haha so cute!! i’m glad to hear you had such a blessed holiday season ~ wish i could’ve made it to gyc! thanks for posting always on xanga to help me stay in touch with the lovely ramos family 🙂 happy new year! love you guys~

  3. I’m glad you made it to GYC even if I couldn’t…  most of all, I miss the community and the ‘concentration of friends’ that recharges me every time, including seeing you guys!  I want to come visit you sometime…  you guys were my Bethany in dreary Michigan.  I will always love you guys for that.  As always, though, I missed the opening address (pray for rain!) and Mandoo rushing the stage…   

  4. hey, Judy! Super mom! It seems you have been doing so great! I cannot believe Micah is 15 lbs!!! Mercy! What doy ou feed him ;)? He looks more spanish , I think. Well, keep up the good work. I need your phone number, I need to give you a call one of these days to ask you some things. Until then, blessings to all and blessings to Israel.

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