Updates On All Of Us

MICAH:  is now almost 17 lbs and just about 7 weeks.  He is growing like crazy and pretty much looks like a 6 month old.  He’s a good baby.  He doesn’t cry much and when he does, it’s usually because he has some sort of indigestion/gas going on.  Considering his weight, he’s pretty patient about waiting on feedings.  I don’t know how he’s gaining so much!  Anyway, he’s a cutie.  I think his face looks like a baby owl.  He has some huge “moon” eyes and his face is shaped like a hamburger.  LOL.  He’s very sweet and I think he’s going to be more laid back than Imanuel.  He sleeps well and it’s been more fun because he’s starting to be more awake during the day and sleeping more at night.  Oh, and he loves my dad.  He’s an expert at getting him to stop crying!

IMANUEL:  is almost 30 lbs and turned 22 months.  I think his favorite thing to do now is to sing and to play with his many balls (- balls are definitely his favorite toys).  His favorite songs at the moment are “Give Me the Bible” (yes, the hymn), “Jesus Loves Me”, “The Battle of Jericho”, and “Gohm Sae Ma-Ri” (Korean song about family of bears).  After Pastor Conway gave a week long series up here (- “Give Me the Bible” was the theme song), Imanuel has wanted to sing that song for evening worship EVERY DAY.  Imanuel sings along too – for all 4 verses!  His abuela (La-la) bought him a Bible Songs DVD by the Cedarmont Kids and he’s probably watched it at least 50 times.  Anyway, Jericho is his all-time favorite on that DVD.  Last week, he started requesting me to sing it instead of his normal bedtime song.  (For those of you wondering, yes, it’s the one that goes “Joshua fit he battle of Jericho, Jericho, Jericho….”.)  In fact, he loves it so much that his lime green recorder has become his trumpet.  And, starting a few days ago when Imanuel trips and falls, he says, “Fell down – Jericho – fell down!”  When he falls, he believes he IS Jericho. 
Imanuel loves to talk and he copies whatever he hears.  It is so hilarious.  These were some of funny things he’s said:
– He called me “honey” (with Korean accent) a couple times bc that’s what my parents call us.
– During evening worship, he’s given himself the liberty to say who should pray.  Last night, with all seriousness, he said, “Owl, pray” as he held up his stuffed baby owl.
– And just for my little bro, Justin:  Today my dad was telling Imanuel not to go into the foyer area and he said, “Don’t go down there”.  Imanuel immediately responded by saying (Dad-style), “Simbas down there!”  LOL!  

JUDY:  is starting a serious exercise/diet regime.  After hitting the 6
week mark, I can finally start doing some serious exercise!  Because
I’m breastfeeding, you’d think I’d be losing weight more easily, but
I’ve realized that this is not the case.  I am so hungry all the
time…and with my mom here, I’ve been eating just as many calories as
I’ve been losing.  So, I’m not sure if that benefit of breastfeeding is
applying to me at this point.  I have a feeling that I’m gonna have to start making good use of the treadmill!

ISRAEL:  is doing a lot of traveling this month.  Pray for him…and for me and the kids!

AROE:  is still very cute and affectionate (aka needy).    

CHANCE:  is getting fatter and fatter every day since he doesn’t go outside anymore.

and last but not least…

BENTLEY:  turned 3 on Friday!  (His b-day was Jan. 4, 2005)  Happy Birthday, Bentley!  We are so glad that we have Bentley as our dog.  He’s only getting better and better as the years go by.  🙂

Okay, so that was my update on the family.  Our lives our pretty crazy and things get tough at times, but I’m thankful that in each member of our family I’m reminded that God loves me.  I’m realizing more that our children are perfect gifts that God gives to us.  They’re perfect not because of who they are, but by how they so deeply and specifically impact their parents.   Not only will parents have stars on their crowns representing their children, but I think children will also have stars representing their parents for the many ways they taught us and led us to Him.

3 thoughts on “Updates On All Of Us”

  1. wow, so sweet! I can believe your little is is so big already! Praise God for a healthy boy! You guys are funny to call him “owl”. I think he’s just the cutest thing out there. I’ve been trying to start exercising for my sanity (:)), but I haven’t gotten the chance. I lose my weight like crazy, I weigh now 8 lbs. less than before I was pregnant and I eat like an elephant, so I don’t know what’s happening,maybe once I;ll start the baby on cereals and solids I will gain more weight. But you’re doing fine. Keep it up and continue to do your best.Blessings to all of you. D>

  2. Oh that last line just gripped me. What a thought! I feel a deep burden to ramp up my worship and devotion time now that I’m going to be someone’s mama and therefore someone’s compass to find God. But what a beautiful thought of how my child will inevitably point me back to the Lord time and time again. Thanks, Ramos Family.

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