Update on My 2009 Things To Do List

A couple weeks ago, I created a 2009 Things-To-Do List for myself. I’ve been consciously and subconsciously working on them. There definitely are some things that I need to work on more deliberately (-like calling to schedule a massage), but I’m trying to pace myself so some these things can actually become habits. Here’s the list in no particular order and how I’ve been progressing:

10. Find a hairstyle that I really like and find a hairdresser that can make it happen.
– I’ve been looking all over the Internet for styles that I like that may work with my face shape, hair type, etc.. Not been too successful. But I was looking back at pictures of me with different haircuts and I think I may have found one that I want to try again. We’ll see what happens.

9. Not gain more than 35lbs during this pregnancy. (Never been done before.)
– Okay, not much done differently in this area. Except I’m working on #6 so this may help.

8. Make it a habit of reading more.
– I started reading about an hour each day right when I wake up and/or at night. This is more for my devotional time, so I’m thinking that I need to find another good book that I want to start reading. Perhaps I should start reading the newspaper…

7. Transform the current office into the new baby room.
– I cleaned out the office of everything I felt at liberty to clean/throw away. I’ll have to get Israel to do the rest. But we do need to create a list of items we need for the new baby. I’m thinking we may end up getting a nice set of bunk beds for the boys and some clothes drawers. Then the new baby can use the furniture that the boys are using now. I just can’t wait until Friday to find out if we’re having a girl or another boy. Then I can go through all of the baby clothes we have. If it’s another boy, I can start organizing them. If it’s a girl, I can pass all of the boy clothes to my brother and Aileen, sort the unisex clothes, and start building her wardrobe. So, we’ll see what happens.

6. Develop an exercise routine and stick to it.
– So, I’ve decided to start off, that my exercise routine will be to brisk-walk on our treadmill for 15 minutes a day. It sounds sorry, but this actually causes me to break a sweat and feel tired. That’s how out of shape I must be in!

5. Learn how to cook more healthy, yummy meals.
– Now that I can eat most things without feeling nauseous, I’ve been doing more cooking. But haven’t found (or been looking for) new recipes to try. I think I want to find a crock-pot cookbook.

4. Get a massage regularly – since for us, it’s free!
– Need to just make a phone call! Maybe I’ll do it after ministerial retreat next week.

3. Cultivate a deep devotional & prayer life.
– My devotional life has been much better since I created the list. I really covet my time in the morning and/or night and/or whenever I have time. It helps that Israel gets the boys in the morning so if I’m not done reading yet, I’m not forced to cut things off prematurely. It has been a blessing for the whole family. I find that I’m much happier and less stressed.

2. Take a nice family picture…(after I get my nice haircut from my nice hairdresser.)
– No progress. Maybe after my haircut I’ll be more motivated.

1. Train Bentley not to bark and go psycho on visitors or passing trucks.
– Bentley has been getting better. I just need to find time to train him and have practice sessions with people coming over. Today we did have a minor break-through though. I was inspired by an episode of “The Dog Whisperer” to see if I could get Bentley to go on our treadmill. This would be perfect for our long harsh winters since there is no place we can walk him (unless we dig a long path). Today, he trotted on the treadmill for 10 minutes. He did a great job and I think he enjoyed it!

I enjoy seeing progress made and things getting done. Perhaps that is why I love to-do lists so much. I really hope I can work through these and make them happen. It helps to know that many of these not only benefit me, but my whole family. I pray that God will be my strength.

9 thoughts on “Update on My 2009 Things To Do List”

  1. Jude, I am very proud of you.  Someday you need to come over and we’ll inspire each other.  I can’t wait to see Bentley trotting on the treadmill.  I think it’s terrific.  Tell him I said hello (but don’t think you have to kiss him on the lips. hehe.)  Miss you guys.  

  2. hehehe! bentley trotted on the treadmill! can you please take a video and then figure out how to upload it to facebook? :)i seriously cannot wait until friday. this is gonna be a long week. haha. i’m excited to hear of your progress in the different areas. it’s encouraging.love you guys! <3

  3. Glad to know you are making some headway on your goal list. Keep it up. As far as a crockpot cooker, do you have the one by JoAnn Rachor that the ABC carries? I have made quite a few recipes from it and it is quite good. I’ve even made a pineapple upside down cake in it a couple times and it is really good and super easy. You should get it if you want to throw something together quickly and forget about it until it is time to eat!

  4. @jensa07 – Sent your regards to Bentley for you.  🙂  I really do need to go see you over there…@steffyjaney – I’m really tempted to buy a smaller digital camera that has video capability.  Especially since our current gigantic camera has a malfunction with the USB connection.  I’ll work on that one.  But Bentley looks really cute.  🙂  And speaking of being a long week…you have NO idea!@resurrectiongirl – Staci, thank you so much for the heads up on the cook book!  Is she the pastor’s wife who owns like 30 crock pots?  I’m very interested.  Maybe I can ask Steph to pick one up for me…@whataboutjohnlee – I will definitely keep that in mind as I make my decision.  Much appreciated!

  5. Yep … she is the one. I think you will like her cookbook a lot. Call the ABC and they can have it put on the book mobile coming to Camp AuSable next week and you can pick it up then.

  6. I like the idea of listing things you wish to do Judy, I’ll should start my very own ðŸ™‚ God, will give you the strength to accomplish them. Go, go! Judy! 🙂 post pictures soon! I always enjoy reading your post.  

  7. Hey Judy- Good work on the goal list! I have “Fast cooking in a slow cooker” by Joann Rachor and I love crock pot cooking! So easy and nice to come home to a cooked meal after a long day. I always make extra and freeze so quick meals are on hand! Exercise- every little bit helps- I too am so far from the athlete I used to be! Massage- this will be the first year Joe and I have benefits- so looking forward to this!!! Hairstyle a fun/cheesy idea is a virtual makeover site where you can upload a picture of you with your hair pulled back and try different styles. Mary Kay has one that I use for laughs sometimes at http://www.marykay.com/seplee/whatsnew/virtualmakeover/default.aspx?ab=sidenav_virtualmakeover

  8. @the_familee – Thanks for the tips, Shannon!  I am totally going to get that recipe book.  ðŸ™‚  I wish I would have seen the link before I got my hair chopped!  But I did!  I put some pics up on my FB.  Anyway, hope you and Joe are doing well!  Take care and keep in touch!

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