Back From Church

Today was the first Sabbath that I had to get both kids ready and to church by myself.  Israel leaves for our first church, L’Anse, a little before 8am to preach at 8:30am, then he heads over to our second church, Greenland to preach at 10am, and finally he gets to Houghton at 11:30am to preach.  Usually Imanuel and I just go to Houghton Church (since it is the closest one).  Anyhow, with Micah to get ready, it took longer than I anticipated.  So, while I was shooting to make it by 11:30am, I ended up getting to church at 11:50.  At least we made it in time to hear the whole sermon.  We took these pics when we got home.

Imanuel loves wearing a tie on Sabbath like his daddy.  His Auntie Angie bought him the suit and tie.  Thank you!  It finally fits!

Micah also dressed up for church today.  He wore shoes for the first time and his owl outfit from Auntie Stephie.  It is size 3/6 month and unfortunately, I think this will be the last time he wears it!  So, we took a picture to memorialize it.  
(This morning I barely got his arms to fit in the shirt, and the button on the pants almost popped off!)

Both boys are doing some lay-activities and I think I may join them.  Thank God for the Sabbath.

4 thoughts on “Back From Church”

  1. so cute! and sharp those 2 little boys…. I got the same vest for Daniel with the owl on it, it’s a nice one and makes the little ones look so mature. Well, wonder-mom keep it up! You’re doing great. It’s true it takes longer to get everybody ready and on time for church./..hehehe…. Blessings.

  2. I LOVE that picture of Israel and Imanuel.Can’t say enough great things about it.It’s beautiful!And Micah is so cute!He could be the next Gerber baby. :]

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