2 Month Doctor’s Visit

This past Monday (yesterday), we went to Dr. Rajanee’s office for Micah’s 2 month visit.  (Thank you, Sikhu for coming with me and watching Imanuel!)  It was kind of a rough visit for him.  He had 3 immunization shots and an oral one.  Also, as a result of this visit, he was forced to lose almost 2 meals.   (You’ll see what I mean as you read on…)

Here was his breakdown of his physical measurements:
Height:  24″ (90%)  Head:  41cm (75%)  Weight: 17lbs 8ozs (>99% – off the charts!!)

Because he is so heavy, his doctor actually told me to skip his feedings at night!  She told me to make his last feeding of the day at 10pm and not feed him again until 8am!  Also, he would need extra tummy time.  He’s so heavy and chunky that it’s hard for him to hold up his head (which he should be able to by now).  Tummy time will help build his muscles so that he can do this.  LOL.  (It’s not funny, but at the same time, it is.)

So~ last night was the first night where I had to NOT feed him.  He did fine as long as he had a binky in his mouth.  The problem was that it kept falling out.  Anyway, he woke up again at 7am and I just didn’t have the energy to hold him over one more hour so I just fed him.  The crazy thing was that he wasn’t very hungry.  He ate a little on one side and then he just knocked out and I couldn’t get him to eat anymore.  Then the next time he woke up was at 10am.  He was then ready to eat.  This made me feel better because I realized that he physically can go 10 hours without eating.  This will definitely help expedite him sleeping through the night which is great for me.  I had been hoping to get Micah to consistently go 6 hours at night between feedings but after a trip to the doctor, it became 10 hours…just like that.  That was definitely unexpected! 

Other than that, things have been going pretty well.  Israel has been in Romania for the past few days (since Sunday) so it’s been me and the kids (and the pets).  It is going much better than I had thought.   I’ve had time to do all of my GYC responsibilities which was totally unanticipated…and as you can see, I’ve had time to reflect and write out this xanga page (- the boys are both asleep).  The good thing is that Imanuel goes to bed usually around 7:30pm and doesn’t call to get out of his crib until around 9:30-10am.  He just likes hanging out in there and playing with his stuffed animals.  Another crazy blessing is that Micah has been taking nice long naps all day and staying awake from ~8pm-11pm.  This has been great because I have been able to spend time with Imanuel during the morning, and when Imanuel takes his nap (~1-3pm), I usually have time to myself to get GYC and other chores done.  Later in the evening, we have worship and Imanuel goes down for bed at around 7pm, and then I have time alone with Micah until he goes to bed.   Thank God for helping me schedule the kids!  It’s still a full day, but completely manageable.  Of course it’d be nice to have Israel here with us.  Imanuel just LOVES to play with him and when he’s here, he spends a lot of time with the kids.  But God always takes care of us while he’s away – that’s for certain.  

Well, I’m going to bed now because I know in a few hours I’ll need to get up, put Micah back to sleep without feeding him, and then pump.  That all takes time. 

But, even now, being a mother of two is still the greatest thing.  No regrets…yet.  🙂          

Holding my chunky monkey.  So now both of us are on diets…  😉

9 thoughts on “2 Month Doctor’s Visit”

  1. So our poor little sumo boy is on a diet, eh? Micah! All of this time you could have been sleeping through the night! Judy, I leave in about 13 hrs to head home. I won’t sleep tonight so that I can get to the airport at 4 am and fly out at 6. Can’t wait to be at home!

  2. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Too funny. Micah is a chunky monkey, indeed. Imanuel told Sikhu that he wanted to call me today. (Not sure if you were there.) So they did. That kid is so hilarious! He just kept saying “Hi Stephie!” over and over, and “I love you” and “All done” and “More”. LOL. Sikhu wasn’t quite sure when he wanted to hang up the phone. I love it that he can communicate over the phone now – and he knows who I am. It made my day! :]

  3. Micah is sooo cute! However, he looks a little grumpy about the new diet (in that picture, anyway!)I imagine you’ll enjoy all the extra sleep at night. It will be so good if he can sleep all night on a regular basis!

  4. jude!  i’m so glad you’re being blessed…  and I pray for you guys day and night every day.  thanks for your prayers…  I need them so much lately.  things are crazy around here and there are crazy things happening all over the place.  i am not making much sense.  i was gonna call you today but then i remembered that you never pick up the phone.  hahahaha…  we had a snow day today–half day today.  nice.

  5. Awww, he’s very cute!!! As a future pediatrician-to-be, I agree with his doc, but it’s so hard for moms to not feed their babies! Hence I see big kiddos in the clinic all the time…

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