I’m Sleeping!

Since last Monday, I’ve been feeding Micah his last meal at 10pm and then waiting until 8am to feed him again.  It was a rough first few days because Micah would wake up 2-3 times (for sometimes hours at a time!) wanting to eat but I had to just hold him and give him a pacifier.  Well, I’m very happy to say that the past couple days, Micah has been sleeping 8 hours at night – from 10pm – 6am!  At 6am, I hold him and give him a pacifier.  I suppose I could have him cry it out, but it’s so sad for me to see him so hungry!  So, things are looking hopeful.  🙂  I can’t tell you how well-rested I felt after the first time he slept in until 6am.  I couldn’t even go back to sleep!   Even though Micah is 8 weeks old, it has been much longer than 8 weeks since I last slept through the night.  Pretty much the entire 9th month of my pregnancy, I was waking up to use the bathroom at least once a night.  So~, it has been a long time.  Sleep is such a blessing!

On a different note, Imanuel has been super-duper obsessed with the DVDs that LaLa got for him.  They’re by the Cedarmont and Brentwood Kids Company.  I like the content & songs – Imanuel is learning lots of Christian kids songs and he loves the ones on the zoo and the farm.  My only complaints are that I think they could have more of a message AND they were made like in the 80’s!  The kids are sporting jean shorts, hot pink skorts with flowers, the girls all have perms with poofy, curled bangs, and the zookeeper/farmer Rodney has a mullet and does back flips!  The problem is that all of the more current and newer kids videos feature kids jamming to “Christian” rock.  So, I’m thinking that we need to come up with some good Adventist message videos (& books) for kids.  It can be called GYC Kids Company.  🙂  Jen, I nominate you to be the president.  I know you have a burden for the books and you have good style.   I trust you will choose a good wardrobe manager for the kids’ outfits.  If we all combine our ideas/talents, I think we can come up with some good stuff!  Like I can donate my pets to be in the videos.  We just need to think of a song about Bentley – it can be about obedience.  🙂 

Anyway, we’re about to go to Walmart so I’ll have to herd the kids and get them ready.

Imanuel says “G’bye.”

6 thoughts on “I’m Sleeping!”

  1. aw…  mandu is getting SO big and he doesn’t even know me…  sigh. 
    the song thing is a GREAT idea.  GYC kids…  or GKC (Generation of Kids for Christ?)  Song books and messages and “real” kids…  i’m already dreaming. 
    but for now, i am exhausted and totally not ready for Monday, but I’m getting used to that…  and when Monday comes, it’s always OK.  I’m glad you’re getting sleep, Jude.  Next time I’ll call you at 7am and see if you pick up.  =)

  2. I am IN on GYC kids camp video productions. I also have a burden for Adventist literature — I cannot bear the apocalyptic designs of MOST of our books. They. Are. So. Corny. I will be happy to play stage mom to Wee Lee as a performer when the time comes. Until then, let us move forward in faith and eradicate the banana clips and jam shorts from future productions….

  3. If you make videos of kids who are in stylish clothes today, the problem is that in 20 years, people will be saying the same thing about your videos. The way to solve this would be to make Christian videos of children dressed in costumes from the 1500’s or 1800’s – vintage, I guess. (The way I figure, Anne of Green Gables movies were made years and years ago. I watched them when I was a kid. But have they gone out of style? Not among people I’ve talked to, anyway!) I’m thankful that Bible stories, stories of Pioneers, and Bible truth never gets out-dated!

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