Sabbath Traditions (Plus)

At a New in Ministry meeting last year (where un-ordained boys become men [like David Shin]) Pastor Loren Nelson, our Ministerial Director (or immediate boss), talked about Sabbath traditions — things that he does with his family to welcome the Sabbath.  This was an important part of his pastoral experience.  I found out later during one of Pastor Jay Gallimore’s two visits to our place in the UP that he also had a Sabbath tradition: Teriyaki Stakes for the Nelsons, Pasta for the Gallimores.

Other friends of the fam, like GYC President Justin McNeilus and his wife Stephanie do a double tradition: Taco Dinner (passed from her side of the family on Friday) and Biscuits and Gravy Breakfast (passed from his side of the family on Sabbath).  Luke Whiting used to eat Fruity Pebbles on Sabbath when he was young.  I think Joelle had a special set of toys for the Sabbath.

Anyhow, Judy and I thought of a tradition that we could start for our family.  So that the kids could look at Sabbath as a special treat.  There have been some ups and downs to this endeavor.  The downs?  We’ve introduced drums to the worship service.  Judy (maybe it was me) got Manu some instruments for Sabbath family worship song service at our house.  And it included a drum.  We didn’t think much of it — “The drum is not a bigger sinner than the trumpet” — CD Brooks in I Want My Church Back.  Until Manu started dancing with Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho.  I think he got his dance moves from Grandma Namm.  The move is called “The fall down” and it’s a bouncey, pouncey, gettin’ down motion.
(Notice: the above comments regarding Manu’s worship experience has been written for comic value only and should not be interpreted in any way, shape, form, or sub-form as an indication of apostasy (apostasia in Greek) in his worship experience as a Seventh-day Adventist-church-dedicated baby)

On a good note…

One of our favorite Sabbath traditions is our Friday night meal.  Pastor Kevin Paulson gave us some crazy golden-gobblets for our wedding present.  They’re gold-plated.  Upon hitting some rough times (financially), we thought of selling them for mega loot cakes but resisted the temptation and held on to them.  So on Friday night, we pull them out to welcome the Sabbath together.  We also have what Manu calls “Sabbath Juice”  to go right into them.  We get the juice from World Foods in town.  It comes from some other country: Thailand, or some country in Africa maybe. 

This isn’t Mango juice.  It’s Mangue jus exotique! 

We got back the golden vessels that Neb stole from Israel.  Thanks Kevin Paulson!

Judy also invented the Sabbath Roll (I named it though).  Ingredients:  Avocado and some secret ingredients.  The Sabbath Roll is what I look forward to every week.  I eat three to four of them with some Thai hot sauce and soy sauce.  It is such a great way to start the Sabbath!  And Justin Namm, you better not be thinking of any fat jokes and comments. 

This is the Manu Roll.  I’ll give you a hundred dollars if you can guess why.  Only one guess.

The finished product.

I’m thankful for Sabbath traditions.  From great food to start the weekend to our three church preaching marathon every week, to Marv always waiting for me at the exit of our middle church to talk to me for a couple of minutes before I rush off, to our Head Elder’s long prayers, to parking across the street in the winters because of the snow in our parking lot, to sneaking in through the back at our last church and finding that Ernie left a bulletin there for me, to a nap while the kids nap to recover from the marathon, to looking forward to the next Sabbath with the family again and being sad when I miss a weekend at home. 

May the traditions continue throughout eternity with food at the tree of life and preaching marathons done by the holy men of God who spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

The End.

PS: Judy’s “efficient” side kicked in and wanted to put these pics up so that she wouldn’t have to post later on….

More traditions: when I go through Amsterdam, I always get her the same flowers: Tulips.  (Guys getting flowers for girls at international airports: It’s a pain trying to clear customs with them and not all flowers get to go through… only ones purchased at certain places, so do your research.  Why do I go through all the hassle?  Take notes, fellas — that’s why I got married ahead of the class!)

At the peak of Micah’s weight outrage!  His head is bigger than Manu’s (whose legs are falling asleep and required that the photoshoot be cut short).

The new and improved “streamlined” Micah.  I erased the comment that I was gonna put regarding my expression.

Ripley’s Believe it or Not: Micah is actually wearing a turtleneck.  He’s sporting some Alice Park. 

Tom: These are not gang signs.  They are peace signs.  Manu, however, doesn’t have it right yet.  But he’s learning.  Bentley ended up killing wal-mart man (Manu loved him so much that he’s seen here [in their last picture together] sitting on him: an obvious sign of affection for a boy his age…daddy is behind him sitting on green man ball)

Hopefully he doesn’t become dependent on the swing, Judy 🙂

12 thoughts on “Sabbath Traditions (Plus)”

  1. Thanks for the sabbath tradition reminder/inspiration. I will have to bar Grandma Lee from teaching our wee one any dance moves which may corrupt our family worship. Oh wait. We are not yet quite united in our family worship, but we intend to improve. Right now, the only upstanding tradition is that I will often pick a fight with hubby hubberpants as soon as sabbath goes down. It is usually over something extremely important, like the fact that he had the audacity to talk to me through the bathroom door about who signed for a package three days ago. Why do I think this is not a tradition worth upholding? I’m going to wager that the Manu roll is the Manu roll becafuse it is made with the manos, which totally sounds like Manu. Feel free to paypal me the winnings.

  2. The above comment should have included “as soon as the SUN goes down” rather than the sabbath goes down, although, hipspeak-wise, there is always a whole lot of sabbath going down once the sun sets, no?

  3. hahaha…  you guys are awesome. 
    i was thinking about you guys during church today, and it was almost as though if i went back to my house, you guys would’ve been there.  it was a nice daydream. 
    Sabbath is a wonderful thing to look foward to…  Kor-Ams are too kool (yes, that’s with a K for Korea) for Sabbath traditions since we actually trek out to church for Friday evening vespers and reserve Sabbath mornings for family quarrels and fights for the bathroom while the father figure waits out in the car thinking of a million ways to honk the horn and lecture his family once they get in the car.
    thanks for giving me a fun laugh today.  miss you guys lots and lots.  i’m inspired to make my own Sabbath-Special tradition. 
    ps. little owl is huge…  there’s power in the blood, but also in the milk, eh?  (Israel, refrain from the comments I know you have for this one.)  

  4. The Manu roll?  It’s pretty obvious.  It looks just like his used Huggies!  Keep the cash bro.  Haha!
    I apologize for my mom corrupting your first born.  But you should ask Judy about her crazy dance moves when she was younger!

  5. wow, good traditions…..hmmm…. it makes me want to have some too….well, we used to watch TV on Sabbath night! NOT TV, but documentaries on TV ;). But now with the baby requiring a lot of attention from 7 pm and on, it’s hard to do that…..oh, yeah…..we have the berry banana smoothie thing…, there are some traditions…..anyway….Israel, I like the idea with the flowers when coming back from Amst. Maybe Jon can get the hint too…..Micah is soooo cute and serious about life. Blessings, guys.

  6. absolutely hilarious…!loved the post bro Hey so tell us more about this holy dancing at your home? Are we going to have to send Juan and Elisa to bed early when we stay there (so as to not witness any questionable behavior)?

  7. Wow, Israel, great memory!!! (That was way back from the ECom retreat last winter when I shared that, I believe.) I did have a box of Sabbath toys (I think it contained Bible dolls, Bible books, Noah’s ark, and the most loved thing of all I think were the felts.) In addition, some Sabbaths, I hauled my hundreds of stuffed animals into the living room (bless my parents’ patient hearts) and proceeded to play church with them. Oh, and we always had haystacks for Sabbath lunch. Since we got married, we haven’t figured out our Sabbath traditions yet, besides “Sabbath surprise” (a special supper surprise on Friday night). My guess is that the Manu Roll is the Manu roll because Manu named it that, or requested some of the ingredients.

  8. hey jude. thanks for your concern. don’t worry; you of all people should know that I know when to relax and have some fun.  although I admit it doesn’t read well that I went in to school on a Sunday for a few hours.  temporary stuff: new program starting and lots of logistical planning and executing (plans, not students) that needed to be done.  I may be a work-a-holic, but I’m a play-and-rest-a-holic too.  You just gotta know when to work and when to play.  (Unless work is like playing, which it sometimes is for me.  And seeing a job completed and viewing well laid-out plans…  priceless!) 
    miss you guys.  come visit soon…

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