I Will Survive

So, the week’s almost up.  Israel has been at Ouachita Hills Academy/College (in Arkansas) doing a week of prayer there.  I wasn’t sure if I could handle taking care of the two kids (babies, really), the pets (Bentley, mostly) and the U.P. winter.  Well, I just have two more days to go and with some help from Alanna, Sikhu, the Lord and His angels, we made it.  And, like always, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.  But, (Israel), that doesn’t mean I like doing it!  
Israel was gone during our biggest snowfall yet.  I’m not exactly sure how much we got, but we got at least a foot in a 24 hour period and that combined with high winds equaled us being snowed in.  I’m glad that Sikhu told me the storm was coming because I had
absolutely no clue.  She watched the kids for me while I made a Walmart
run to buy everything I would need for the week.  That was the last
time I left the house.  If it wasn’t for Alanna snow blowing our driveway, we wouldn’t be able to leave still!  But, we hope to make it to church tomorrow.
Micah is doing better with sleeping at night.  There was one night when he actually slept almost 9 hours.  But usually he goes 7-8 hours and then I have to rock him to sleep  until I feed him at 8am.   As for his weight gain, he’s still gaining!  I weighed him today (on our scale) and he was 19lbs.  I may end up calling our doctor to see what we should do.
Imanuel is talking more than ever.  Every day he actually surprises me with new sentences/phrases that I didn’t even know he knew how to say!  He’s a lot of fun.  His favorite things to do are play basketball (or with any balls), play with bubbles (thanks to Imo), watching his “videos”, and reading.  His favorite books right now are:  I Love My Daddy Because, I Love You As Much, Who’s My Friend, Noe y el arca, and My Bible Friends Book 2 & 4.  All of those books have animals in them.  He loves animals.
His favorite thing to eat now is – of all things – Halls.  Israel was sick the other week so he bought 2 bags of Halls.  He wanted to eat one because he saw Israel eating them and so Israel gave him one.  This week, he spotted the bag and asked for one.  I told him that it was “daddy’s” and that he would have to ask him.  So, Imanuel got on the phone and wanted to call Israel.  Pretty much almost once each day, he’s requested to call Israel so he could ask him if he could eat a Halls.  He acts like he’s a deprived child!  He loves to eat Halls, loves eating Children’s Tylenol/Motrin when he was sick, AND he thinks Micah’s nasty liquid vitamin,  Poly-vi-sol, tastes good.  Micah still gags every night when I give it to him.
Anyhow, I wanted to post up some updated pics too.  I need to end it here because Micah just woke up.  Here they are!

Imanuel and Bentley playing with bubbles.   Bentley likes to eat them.
(Imanuel is obsessed with that hat – it’s a size 6 months and it’s way too small, but he smashes it onto his head.)

Micah at almost 10 weeks.  🙂

PS:  We want to also congratulate John and Kendra on the birth of their beautiful baby girl, Madigan Joelle!  🙂  We are just so happy that everything went well.  Praise God!

9 thoughts on “I Will Survive”

  1. hey jude.  I wish I were there to keep you company and help take care of the kids…  would’ve been fun.  I’m still holding out for the day when I see you guys again…  sigh.  Happy Sabbath…  get some rest; hopefully you’ll be able to!  Come live down here with me… 

  2. everytime i read your posts i am soooo tickled i literally laugh out loud sometimes! =) i love your pictures too! the boiz~~~ haha can’t believe manu likes meds! >_< give him charcoal tablets and see if he likes that loli especially enjoyed the post right below this one and this one. ^^my Sabbath tradition was the worship experience toO! lolwe’d always have concerts & have tea friday nights just the four of us! =)anyways, take care Judy esp with all the snow! Happy Sabbath!

  3. Haha, love Bentley’s ferocious face and Micah’s “what you lookin at?” expression. ^_^ Can’t believe how much snow you guys get up there!! Glad you’re making it okay though!

  4. hey, Judy, I know how it feels when hubby leaves home 🙁 I am not happy either and he’s going to Jamaica for a week, and when he comes back he’s going to Andrews for a wekk…..but that one I managed to have him taking me with him 😉
    I think Daniel is about 19 lbs as well,…….hehehe, I hope you have a good back to carry Micah. by the way, he’s such a cutie! And already a good looking fellow ;). Hang in there, God is blessing you.

  5. For being a 10 weeks baby, Micah is big! 🙂 Keep up the good work. I’m not at all happy when Edward has to leave home too! I totally understand how you feel.

  6. Hey! I remember reading your post about updating cedarmont music videos.. well, here is your chance for updating our church’s children music videos! 3ABN is looking for children for their “Kid’s Praise Time” show. Perhaps Imanuel could be taped for their upcoming shows?

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