Organizing Baby Clothes – The Job of Every Mother

So, I can’t control the growth.  Micah is 3 months old, he weighs 20
lbs, and he is 25 inches.  Imanuel became a large baby too, but he
didn’t hit those numbers until he was around 6-7 months.  Micah is
officially wearing clothes that are for normal 1 year olds.  Do you
know how many times I had to take out and put away baby clothes in just
3 months?  Most likely not.  Here’s how it all goes down…

Before the baby is born, all of the new clothes needs to be specially
washed with baby detergent, folded, and organized by size.  Then, all
of the newborn clothes is put into the drawers or hung in the closet to
prepare for the baby’s arrival.  The larger clothes are put into boxes,
labeled by size (and seasons for places like MI), then they are left
there for the next few months until baby grows.  Typically the sizes
are as such:  Preemie, Newborn, 3-6 months, 6-9 months, 12 months,
12-18 months, 18 months, 18-24 months, 2 years…, etc.   Once you’ve
gone through one size, the process reverses.  You take the too small
clothes, wash them, and put them away in boxes…until either one of
two things happens:  You either give them away because you’ve convinced
yourself that you’re done having kids, or you keep them in hopes that
you can use them again. 

The second child requires some more work.  If you were lazy about
putting the previous child’s clothes away, there is a whole day sorting
again.  (Usually this is still during the excitement of finding out
you’re pregnant again and morning sickness hasn’t set in yet.)   This
is also the time when clothes that your previous child never wore (-
you had too much of one thing) or clothes that you didn’t like gets
given away or donated.   The size and seasons would also have to match

**  I was super-obsessive and excited about this that I literally went
through all of Imanuel’s old clothes, washed them AGAIN, and separated
them in two ways:  1) by size/season and 2) clothes that could be worn
if we had a girl.  So, the number of boxes doubled.  I mean, I should
have just waited a few more weeks to find out what we were having!  I
blame it on the hormones!  **

Anyhow, if you’re blessed to have another baby shower on top of all of
the clothes that (GRANDPARENTS,) family, and friends get you, there are
that many more clothes to wash, sort and add to the boxes.

Now, if a mother is lucky, her baby will ACTUALLY be newborn size when
he/she is born and will grow at a NORMAL rate with plenty of
opportunity to wear all of the cute clothes (and plenty of time to save
up to buy more clothes when needed).  She’ll come home from the
hospital to a nicely organized layette.

If you are Micah’s mother, your baby was in size 3-6 month at birth,
6-9 month by his 2nd month, and now as he’s reached his 3rd month of
life, he’s in 12 month clothes.  The newborn clothes weren’t even worn
and were immediately put away into boxes.  And since Micah was born,
I’ve rearranged and opened all of the boxes, including clothes that
Imanuel wore just last year (12-18 month winter clothes)!  We’re going
on a family vacation to Orlando, FL and so I’ve had to go through and
find 12 month summer clothes and 2-3 year toddler summer clothes for
both boys.  I’ve been frantically trying to make the most use of as
much of the clothes as possible.  But, it’s often been a losing
battle.  And poor Micah has been forced to try on way too many outfits
that were just too small.   

(To all the other mothers out there, please let me know if I’m accurate
with the clothes shuffle.  I think being a teacher and GYC Admin. Asst.
may have heightened my propensity to be an efficient-obsessed,
organizing-freak.  Being related to my sister probably doesn’t help
either.  But, I like to think of myself as being normal.  Of course if
it was up to the dads, I’m sure it wouldn’t be this complicated…)

So, all that to say, that Micah has not only strengthened my muscles
from being heavy (and becoming heavier too fast), he’s also helped me
practice my sorting and packing skills.  I’ve now become an expert. 
Thank you, son!

I thought it was time that I let out this.   Hopefully his growth will
plateau from now on.  But, I have this scary premonition that by next
year both of the boys are the same size.  Okay, I’m done now.  Here are
some new pics of Micah and Imanuel:

Micah is 3 months old…

Brothers – 20 months apart

PS:  After Florida, we’ll be downstate in Novi/Ann Arbor/Lansing area for (IR’s New in Ministry, Imanuel’s 2nd b-day and) Justin’s baptism!  Hopefully we’ll see many of you guys then!

7 thoughts on “Organizing Baby Clothes – The Job of Every Mother”

  1. Judy, you could teach a seminar on how to be an organized parent, with all the knowledge you’ve acquired! lol.
    Micah is a BIG baby. Imanuel should have straightened out his legs for that last pic so Micah doesn’t look so tall…

  2. I laughed when I read the part about sorting out clothes before finding out the gender. I did the same thing! I had to redo the process because I realized things like jammies can be blue for a girl when they are a little older because they only sleep in them. When the girl is first born though she will probably be in jammies most the time, so I want them to be feminine. It looks like Micah will be passing clothes on to Imanuel soon!

  3. Hey Israel and Judy! This is Shayna from Insight magazine…I met Israel BRIEFLY (like handshake and hello in the hallway) at GYC, but I found your blog linked to some of my other friends’. I absolutely adore it! What cute little boys! Anyway, I hate to leave this sort of comment on your Xanga, so forgive me 🙂 I’m submitting a marketing report to Insight about GYC and I was wondering if either of you had any rough numbers for the number of attendees at this year’s conf. (compared to previous yrs.) and the number of countries represented. Joelle passed a message on to one of the new officers for me, but no one has gotten back to me yet. Thanks so much! (

  4. Adorable!  Great post, I really miss Mandoo, and I’m sure Micah would have broken my back! haha, Stay blessed, and I can’t wait to see Micah someday! 😀

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