Bon Apetit

Yesterday, Micah had his first taste of solid food…rice cereal.

He was filled with anticipation.  He had his game face on.

Manu helped his amateur kid brother put a bib on and picked out the spoon.

And he gave him his first few spoonfuls.

The verdict:  A Smashing Success!  He downed all of it!  🙂  AND, that night he still slept through the night even though I skipped his last meal.   The plan worked!

This afternoon, the boys got to sport the latest gifts they got while we were at the Minneapolis airport.  They will wear it on Friday evenings, (which in our house is Korean-vegetarian-sushi night).

Imanuel loves his Sabbath/Manu rolls!
*And the answer about the Manu roll – we pre-chop up all of the veggies inside his roll (as opposed to the long strips) so it’s easier for him to chew them.

Today, Daddy requested a double-decker Sabbath roll…

Micah likes his rolls processed (by yours truly).  We also started putting him in the exer-saucer so he can start exercising! 

So much has gone on since we came back from Florida! 

We had the Mendezes over for a week which was tons of fun!  We hope to post on it once we get some pics from Tio Danny.  But considering the fact that we still haven’t received pics from IMANUEL’S baby shower, we may post on their visit in a couple of years.  🙂

We also just came back from ACTS for Christ which was in Vancouver.  That was a fun trip as well.  Imanuel got to spend time with his buddy, Moriah Rosario and even learned her language!  No joke, he will bust out in this special tongue at least once a day and he sounds just like her!  Then he will say, “Baby Moriah talking.”  LOL.  Anyhow, it was nice spending time with the Rosarios, the Radiant Living peeps (Alisha, Melanie, Danielle, Jacqueline), Valmy, the Conways, the Meyers and others.  The meetings were such a blessing too.  I just wish we would have taken our camera (and that Jen was there – how sad)! 

Anyhow, we’re back now to the snowy U.P.   The good news is that I believe the melt-down is starting.   I cannot wait to be able to go outside with the kids.  We were just talking about how Imanuel will now be old/big enough to play in the tree house.  It’ll be a lot of fun.  Well, that’s all for now. 

Have a happy Sabbath everyone!  

5 thoughts on “Bon Apetit”

  1. hey Judy! i love reading your posts! i come on xanga just to read ur updates haha! =) the boys have grown so much and they are ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE! i used to make kimbop for every Sabbath but by myself and got sick of it so i quit doing that. lol. instead i go to  my fridday night feasts (our new Bible study group here @bham and a new campus ministry brewing ^0^) anyways…i’m thinking about taking a bunch of ppl up to leads…will u guys be going to that? it would be great to see u guys and the boys!!! Happy Sabbath!

  2. wow, Micah is an expert! i can’t believe this boy is already at solids stage. Judy, careful! they are growying tooooo fast, the next thing you know is that they have girlfriends…..oooooh…..It seems you have a great helper in IA. Fun! You’re blessed with two beautiful boys. May they grow to serve God. Have a great week.
    oh, I’m leaving for FL tomorrow, Jon is already there preaching his head off…..and I’m a bit worried flying with Daniel. Plus, today I sprained my anckle!!!!!! So, I cannot walk, it’s gonna be……fuuuuunnnnn……and I have luggage too…..anyway, pray for me to stay sane;) blessings,D

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