A Week with the Mendezes – March 10-17, 2008

“Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.” Proverbs 27:17

Okay, so I decided to blog on the Mendezes’ visit with us (even though we don’t have many pictures to post as I would like!!).  It was such a HUGE blessing for them to be here.  After my brother, Justin’s baptism (March 8), we drove up together and they stayed for a week.  We don’t get much of a chance to spend time with other young families, so it was such a special treat to have them here- on so many different levels! 

First of all, the babies just brought so much joy to us.  It was so fun watching Elisa and Micah sit next to each other (especially on their bumbos) like they were old friends just passing the time.   It was also encouraging in a twisted sort of way to see that our baby wasn’t the only one with explosive #2s that would ruin an entire outfit in an instant!

Juan was such a great example and buddy for Imanuel.  First of all, Juan taught Imanuel how to pray.  Apparently Imanuel was listening intently every time Juan would pray because now he can pray by himself!  And, he says, “Dear Heavenly Father…” which is what Juan says.  Thank you, Juan!  I knew that Imanuel would have an extra hard time learning how to share, but Juan was so patient with him.  And to watch both of them “reconcile” when they had their “mine” moments was precious.  They were so sweet to each other as they would apologize and hug.  It was such an eye-opener to see that although Imanuel loved Juan so much, self was so strong that at times it would completely blind him to the fact that he was hurting Juan’s feelings.  It is just so hard for young children to think of others before themselves!  But, Kerri and I both agreed that it was such a perfect training ground for them to develop their characters…while we were there to regulate! 

Daniel and Kerri have always been such a great example of what a godly couple (and now parents) ought to be.  They’ve also inspired us to eat better and to be healthier.  We’ve always looked up to them and we know that time spent with them will always be uplifting. 

We’ll remember :
– making plans at the beginning of the week but hardly ever following them
– eating yummy meals everyday (and sending pics to Julie Klein for her virtual vacation)
– using the word “share” at least 500 times
– little/big brothers and a little sister photo shoot gone grumpy
– fitting 4 car seats, 4 kids, 3 adults, all the baby bags, and potluck food into the Mendezes’ van
– family pics on Lake Superior
– boys’ bubble baths
– Thai House Restaurant bill drama…
– and many many more (with pictures to prove it!)

If only we lived closer!    

Kerri, thank you for being such a virtuous wife and a nearly perfect mother!    You inspire me by your gentle and patient spirit and I believe I am a better mother because of you!  You have taught me so much, especially by your actions.  Thank you for the many conversations that we were able to squeeze in between the feedings, changings, worships, baths, playing…etc.etc. 

Daniel, what can I say?  You’ve successfully taught Juan Spanish!  πŸ™‚  But much more than that, you have such love and care for your wife and children (and us).  We appreciate your friendship so much (even if you keep trying to convince Israel to buy the entire line of Apple products…) and our kids are so fortunate to have such a fun-loving, sensitive, and intelligent uncle like you (who will teach them Spanish…??).

Praise God for friends that He puts into our lives to inspire, influence, and embolden us to be better Christians.

[right here would be the perfect place for the pic of the Mendez family that we took on Lake Superior]

During this worship, the boys decided to hold hands.

Uncle Daniel was able to get Micah to smile for the camera!

This was after a bubble-bath that they had!  They were staying warm in Micah’s bedroom.

By faith, there’ll be more pictures to come!  We love you guys!

4 thoughts on “A Week with the Mendezes – March 10-17, 2008”

  1. wow.. micah.. come on nephew!  lol.. jog.. i think he got that huge thing from you.  =]i got the pic by the way.. thank you =P  made me happy….

  2. Wow! Will you write our obituaries too? lol. Β That was so nice and sweet—thanks for all the kind words. Truly the privilege was ours to get to spend the time with you and it is an honor for us to have you as our friends. It was such a blessing for us to be able to talk, laugh, work, play, mold characters, and share all those experiences together, and to grow together spiritually and as parents. It was such a huge blessing for the kids as well. The “iron sharpening” was definitely not limited to the adults. πŸ™‚ I know that Imanuel was a blessing and good influence on Juan also. He was so kind to share all his toys and so quick to forgive whenever Juan did something he didn’t like. And Elisa cries after only a few minutes in her chair now. I think she misses Micah and all the time they spent “hanging out.” πŸ™‚ All of us really miss all of you a LOT and look forward to the next time we can get together—–Hopefully VERY soon!!!We love you……………..D,K,J,EP.S. Your write-up about the week and all its memories was so good I should copy it and put it in their baby books. That would be the first thing I’ve done to Juan’s book since your house last year. (Elisa’s book doesn’t exist yet.) Β :(P.S.S. Photos should be coming soon! πŸ˜€

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