I Have Reason to be Sad…


– I haven’t come CLOSE to rolling over yet.
– My brother has been very sick with high fever, cough, sore throat, and runny nose. 
– This Sunday, Auntie Sikhu leaves us for good. 
– Finals are almost over so students will be gone all summer (except Tio Andy)
– Daddy will be going to Ann Arbor next week (and we won’t be going)
– The weather has been chilly, foggy, and wet.
– My parents are busted with taxes this year.

But on the bright side…
– I get to eat two meals of rice cereal each day.
– Our neighbors got a puppy so Bentley has a new friend.
– It’s Sabbath!
– We know that God will take care of us!

5 thoughts on “I Have Reason to be Sad…”

  1. His eye is on the sparrow…  and the angels that attend to the little ones do always behold the face of Jesus…  I’m brigher-siding today too.  I am blessed, and especially more so by your friendships!  miss you guys… it’s been too long.  Here is the cow pic you guys liked (censored, though, since Israel couldn’t handle it the last time.)  Happy Sabbath!  God is so good. 

  2. Hi Micah!I was going to send this to you yesterday… but perhaps today is a better time. Juan is learning a new memory verse:”give your worries to the LORD, He will take care of you” Psalm 55:22Like your mommy said at the end of the post: HE WILL!!! miss you all! 

  3. PS. my nephew still can’t roll over (as far as I know) but at least he’s crawling.  I think his “healthy body” (and the natural pull of gravity) prevents him from rolling over succesfully.  Who needs to roll over anyway?  My sister tells me that whenever she wants to make sure he doesn’t go anywhere she just puts him on his back….  hahaha….

  4. Awww, Micah… cheer up, buddy ol’ pal! Things will get better. Jesus will take care of you, your bro, your parents, Auntie Sikhu, the students, and Bentley. 

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