The Funnies

So, me and the boys have roughed it out without Israel for the past few days.  Imanuel has gotten better although he still has a very runny nose and cough.  Micah’s immune system has been aggressively fighting what Manu has, but it too has had some casualties.  Micah has fought off fever (-thanks to our friend, hydrotherapy) however, he has had a runny nose and sore throat so that has made it difficult for him to sleep.  And on top of that, Bentley has been thoroughly enjoying the mud that the snow melt has caused.  I have NOT been enjoying cleaning him up when he comes in. 

However, one consolation I have is that the things that Imanuel says can be so funny at times.  I don’t know if it is necessarily that Imanuel is funny, but the stage that he is in (-exploring language) definitely is a fun one.  Anyway, I decided to jot down some of the funny things he’s said in the last couple of days so I would always remember.  So, here they are:

–  “Uh oh Mama, Bentley eating Chance.”

–  He saw a picture the Monopoly guy at Steve & Barry’s and said:
   “Mama, he’s holding a staff!”  (referring to his cane)

–  He’s developed a habit of saying,

–  He was telling me a story about a bear that was eating with Micah outside.  I asked him what they were      
   eating, to which he replied coolly, “Tomatoes…and veggie meat.”

–  When I with Micah in his room and he started crying, Imanuel burst through the door and exclaimed,
   “Oh!  What’s happening!?!”

–  Before praying, Imanuel paused and pointing to his teddy bear said,
    “Oh.  Bear close it eyes.”  

–  While reading to him, I pointed to a picture of a ladybug and asked,
   “What animal is this”?
   After a moment of contemplation, his response:  “Baby newt.”

–  During one prayer for Micah’s food:
   “Dear God, thank you for keeping Micah bba-bba (translated food) safe.”

It’s nice to have these moments of unexpected joy throughout the day…  

5 thoughts on “The Funnies”

  1. Awww, I miss Manu-do-it!I remember when he was in the “OK” phase. i.e. “be right back, ok…”hahaI’m glad they’re recovering!!!hugs from ahti sikhu

  2. I love hearing funny things that kids say… that’s great that you write them down. I think the two funniest stories listed above are the tomatoes and veggie meat one and the baby newt one. haha.

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