Happenings in Houghton

This past school year at Michigan Tech has been a monumental one.  With Alanna enrolling as a full-time student and Sikhu coming up here as a CAMPUS worker, the Lord has truly blessed their ministry.  Some highlights from the school year was the formation of an official Adventist student organization, Idaliza & Andy’s engagement, Edward becoming Edward, PhD, and the decisions for baptism.  We ended the school year with a Senior Recognition Dinner last Saturday evening (April 26). 

The amazing cake made by Helen!

The seniors!  (& Sikhu)…(and Micah)

Micah was part of Idaliza’s mock award gift.  “Most Likely to Have a Kid in 2 Years”  Andy is now studying for baptism.

Sikhu’s mock gift was U.P. snow!  😀  “Most Likely to Hate Snow like Sin, but Still Come Back to Visit”

Group picture!

The beautiful CAMPUS yoopers who paved the way (with the Lord’s help, of course)!

We also had our first baby dedication since we’ve been up here.  Isaac Jodan Odhiambo was dedicated this past Sabbath on May 3rd.   This was also the first Sabbath since his daddy became a PhD.  His mommy, Mariann will be baptized at the end of this month, but unfortunately, soon after that, they will be moving by UGA where Edward will be working.   The good news is that the can continue working with public campus ministry!  Imanuel will miss Isaac very much.

And lastly for personal updates, Daniel was able to come up and spend a few days with us.  We had a great time together and we look forward to seeing him again in a couple of weeks (at GJC – www.gjcweb.org).

Uncle Dan & Manu, sporting swim goggles, which he prefers to call “glasses”

Bentley missed Dan.  It had been a while.

The boys going for their first walk this year and in their double stroller.  It was FREEZING cold.

Imanuel was excited to take pictures with his brother.  Micah, not so much.

Israel just left for Guam this morning and he’ll be back on Sunday.  On his computer we have some pictures of our trip to Copper Harbor (-the northern tip of the Keweenaw).   We’ll have to post some up later.  Some of the lake up there was still frozen and some parts still had snow on the ground!  It was so nice though.   As usual, whenever Israel leaves, we are expecting some snow this Friday, but hopefully it doesn’t get too cold.  I cannot wait until Summer is here!  (We bypass Spring.)  That’s all for now!    

2 thoughts on “Happenings in Houghton”

  1. Judy…I’m in Japan now, heading for Guam in a couple of hours.  It’s almost 6 your time.  Don’t know if they have internet access where I’ll be staying or if my phone will work.  Worse case, I’ll email you again in 48 hrs. or so.  Miss you and the kids.  Thanks for the post :)P.S. The Lakers won…AGAIN! 😉

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