High Sabbath

This Sabbath was a very exciting one. Dr. Chung came up to perform the dedication of Micah Christian and Marriann Anino was baptized. It definitely called for a special potluck. I think it was like a record attendance on Sabbath. We even ran out of church bulletins! Our elders were shocked. 🙂 We were GRATEFUL as all five of Micah’s senses were dedicated to the Lord, we were CHALLENGED to be parents worth imitating, and we were RENEWED as Marriann publicly declared her commitment and love for our Saviour and church.
Sikhu, Dan, Thando, and Cassie drove the 9 hours up on Friday to witness the baptism and then they left after supper to head back down on Saturday! Crazy college kids! But we had a lot of fun hanging out with Dr. Chung and hearing all of his amazing stories, listening to Steve Green (-the yester-years), learning about “peak oil”, eating together, our “marriage counseling” session with/for Andy, and more!
We ended the Sabbath at McLain State Park where we watched the sunset behind Lake Superior. It was a beautiful day.
We are so thankful for Dr. Chung and how he never ceases to inspire us. Hopefully he can bring his whole family up sometime. Except I don’t know if our house could accommodate his entire family. We’ll have to work something out…maybe we’ll get a pop-up or something.
Thank you, Dr. Chung for your friendship and for always sharing your love for Jesus with us. Your life and experiences cause us to believe!



Israel actually is about to baptize two people. Marriann is expecting! Which means that Israel baptized an infant!

The Anino family



One thought on “High Sabbath”

  1. that’s good news, Judy! I’m glad you had a great day with the baptism and the dedication. And we pray that Micah will use all 5 senses for Christ one day! You’re doing a great job! Blessings.

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