The Umbilical Cord

So, Ty’s umbilical cord fell off last night.  As I was changing his diaper after a feeding, I noticed that it was gone.  I thought it was a semi-exciting moment, so I called Israel in the room to share the news.  I asked him to help me look for it since it must have fallen in his onesie.  We weren’t able to locate it right away and Israel’s first response was, “Bentley probably ate it.”  I kept searching to which Israel exclaimed, “Who cares, it’s not like we’re going to keep it anyway.” 

I would have let that comment slide were it not for the fact that over 3 years ago, we had a very similar scenario, but our conversation and outcome went very differently. 

When Imanuel’s umbilical cord fell off, it was such a momentous occasion.  It meant that we had properly dried that thing out and we could finally give our son his first bath!  We were so excited.  We looked at each other and asked, “What should we do with the cord?”  It was something that held so much meaning. And the cord was like a piece of him – a piece of us!  We were not sure what to do with that hard, raisin-looking piece of flesh.  So, we kept it on our night stand for a couple of days because we couldn’t stand to just throw it away in the trash…like it didn’t mean anything.  After about a week of it just sitting there, I revisited the cord issue.  I felt we had given it its due respect.  It was time for us to throw it out.  But Israel said no.  He liked it right where it was…sitting and collecting dust on the night stand.  In fact, he liked looking at it so much that he ended up keeping it there for over a month! 

So last night, I reminded Israel of this.  I ended up finding Ty’s cord in his onesie and gave it to Israel.  I asked him if he was sure he didn’t want me to tape it into Ty’s baby book.  We had a really good laugh.

It’s so interesting how much things change from going through the experience of raising your first child to subsequent ones.  I remember when Imanuel was first born, sometimes being moved to tears just thinking about how as each day passed by, I would never be able to relive them.  It saddened me to think that one day, I wouldn’t be able to hold him in my arms or rock him to sleep.  I didn’t want him to change so quickly!

But now that Imanuel is older, it almost seems silly that I thought that way.  While there is something special about remembering the past, in each growing stage of Manu’s life, I love and appreciate him even more.  There are lessons to be learned and we must move on.  I’m so glad he is no longer a newborn! In His wisdom, God has designed us so that in each stage of development, we are meant to grow and be strengthened.  Just as in the Christian experience, we are created to grow more and more into the stature of Christ.  In each stage, we can find completeness in Him.  That is nothing to be sad about.

With Micah and Ty, I have found emotional freedom from trying to hold on to what you can’t.  Each new day brings hope for character development and ultimately hope for salvation.  In the meantime, I am going to enjoy and savor every moment with my boys…because I know time will fly by. 

Israel tossed out Ty’s cord in the trash without a struggle.  He will soon have his first real bath…and a whole series of his “firsts”.  While the excitement isn’t quite the same as for #1, the depth of love starts with each new child where the other kids’ left off.  Ty, you are deeply loved! 

(And just to let you know, no slackers here on filling out the baby books and picture taking!  🙂     

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