Batter Up!

A few weeks ago, I decided to join a softball team with Andy (student at Tech).  He told me that anyone could join and that they needed a girl to play.  I was imagining that it was a community league with a bunch of yoopers who didn’t really know how to play, because he said that “it was just for fun”.  I find out at the first practice that it is actually like an IM (intramurals) team at Michigan Tech University! 
Anyhow, even though it is open to whoever wants to join, each team represents a particular club or department at Tech.  I’m on the team called “EE” which stands for Electrical Engineers.  But don’t underestimate EEs!  These guys are all really good!  I was so nervous because I’m one of just a few girls on the team and I didn’t know if I could hang with college boys anymore.  (Especially after 2 kids and not working out since college!)  The good news is that everyone is so friendly (including the other teams).  The bad news is that I have been sore since the first practice!  It’s crazy, though, because we’re allowed to slide, we have to keep track of the batting record each inning, and each week, they print off the hitting averages for each person on the team!  But, it’s a lot of fun and I’m really enjoying it.  I wasn’t as bad as I thought I would be and slowly but surely, my long lost skills are coming back!  So far, we’ve played Business and Student Life and won both.  This week we’ll be playing Computer Science. 

Special thanks to Mr. Mom (aka Israel) for encouraging me to join AND for watching both kids for me during my practices and games!

Since Israel brings the kids to watch me for at least part of the games each week, Imanuel has really become interested in playing softball.  So, yesterday, Israel bought him a tee-ball set (-$7 for complete set at Walmart- what a steal!).  It was also “something special” that Imanuel was promised after he has become so consistent with going potty.  (He even went #2 in the toilet during a visitation at a church member’s house on Sabbath afternoon!  LOL)  So, here are pictures of the boys trying out the new gear.

Imanuel had a hard time knowing which direction to swing.  In this pic he is obviously swinging backwards, but he eventually got it! 

Here’s Israel demonstrating to Imanuel how to do it.  (Notice how he didn’t even make contact with the ball, but instead ended up wailing the actual tee.)  I liked his enthusiasm, though. 

Here’s Israel fixing the tee after breaking it during his demonstration. 

Good thing it wasn’t permanently damaged.  It was a beautiful day to play outside. 

We are so thankful that we can FINALLY be outside!

4 thoughts on “Batter Up!”

  1. how cool, Jude!  that sounds awesome…  isn’t it nice to be outside and playing?  I miss my students already, but I’m realizing more and more how much I miss my FRIENDS!  Man.  How have I been surviving like this?  Only God knows.  BTW, I’m liking the new layout.  (Is it new?)  BTW (2), there is a BIG difference between intramurals and ‘just for fun’ (which sounds like a pickup game, but around here, even pickup games are intense.)  I’m with you on the softball abilities of yoopers.  I guess I would’ve been wrong too, except I don’t have “long lost skills” to find…  In that ‘demo’ picture, I thought Iz was playing golf.  I suppose those tees weren’t meant for kids (I mean, men) his size…  isn’t that right, Israel?  Cuz I KNOW that’s why you hit the tee… 

  2. nice, Judy! i’m glad you get the chance to do something ….different and be out of the house for a while. Hats off to Israel for watching the kids1!!! I’m trying to get Jon to watch DAniel for 3 hours a week so I can go back to Bells playing at church…but it’s not working….:(blessings.

  3. @DennyGabi – Hi Denisa!  Don’t be too discouraged…it took Israel over 2 years, but eventually it worked!  I would strongly recommend that you join bells!  I don’t know if Jon realizes how much it would positively affect you.  I’ve found that doing something for myself (like playing on this softball team) has actually strengthened my own identity.  Sometimes we can feel like our existence solely revolves around our husbands and kids.  I don’t think that is healthy.  We need our own life too – spiritually, physically, and socially!  It brings balance and fitness to be better wives and mothers!  🙂

  4. thanks for the encouragement, Judy! I know what you mean. Jon is trying to give me a break once in a while, so i can go shopping on my own or something like that. And i think he’d take the time to watch Daniel while I go for bells’ practice, but unfortunately his schedule with the students is so crazy and many times he doesn’t know how the evening will be if he needs to go into Toronto or not, so I think that’s the reason he can’t commit to watch the baby…..but , I’ll still try to convince him somehow ;)….hehehe….

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