Meet Porky

“Porky” (affectionately named by Imanuel), was spotted roaming around our house late last evening.  He/She (-we’re not sure) was sniffing around our front yard for nearly 30 minutes and came as close as right outside our front window.  He/She walked quite gingerly, completely unaffected by our house lights and the incessant flashing coming from the paparazzi inside.  We made several attempts to get a picture/video clip of him from both inside through our window and outside (-where Porky tried to aim his/her quills at us a couple times – quite a frightening experience).  It was nearly impossible since there was such limited light.  Alas, this one taken from the window was our best shot.   Then Porky calmly crossed the street and wandered away into the darkness of the night…

The U.P.  –  Where you can view adorable wild porcupines from the comfort of your house!

7 thoughts on “Meet Porky”

  1. Wow, that’s cool. I’d hate to have to worry about running over him with my car though. (Imagine the tire damage.) Did he knock over a fence or something in the foreground?Well, if you’re doing fancy UP advertising… let me advertise Southern CA based on what we smelled last night (from inside our apartment):So Cal – Where you can smell skunks inside your apartment, like it or not.(We think that someone or something got skunked. We didn’t venture out to check.)

  2. he must have heard I was in town over the weekend. I’m so sad we missed each other.@rAmOsEs – without the long cultural explanation, yes, Hlatshwayo is a porcupine.

  3. hey, you guys sure that’s not the mysterious Michigan “wolverine” who’s known to reside in parts like the UP? That guy is huge!

  4. @junsu21 – I know…when I first spotted it, I called Israel and told him that there was a big animal outside.  I thought it was a bear cub or something!  You can’t tell from the picture, but it has huge claws too!  🙂  

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