Micah, Wild Strawberries, and Jen

On July 19, Micah Christian turned 8 months old. 

He can now roll over,

eat solid food,

and play with toys.

(He doesn’t look very friendly in this picture…)

We have also discovered several wild strawberry patches in our backyard.  Jen was over for the past couple of weeks and one of the highlights was picking/eating the strawberries (among other things – like eating in general). 

Jen holding the yummy strawberries.

“I’m going to make us a mean strawberry and rhubarb drink…” says Israel.  It was quite interesting.

And finally, here’s Jen with her bee mask/welding shield/visor-in-one posing with the strawberries. 

Sikhu came up this past weekend and also was with us for a few days.  However we took all of the pictures during that time with Jen’s camera.  Hopefully we’ll get to post some up soon.  We had such a great time with them!  They left this morning so we’ll be keeping them in our prayers as the make the long drive downstate.

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