Israel’s Day Off

Since Israel doesn’t have a conventional job, he takes Mondays as his day off each week.  Today was nice because not only were we able to spend family time, we spent the afternoon at Lake Superior.   Israel and Imanuel actually went into the cold water for a little bit, but spent most of their time playing in the sand.  Micah and I just soaked up some sun on the warm sand. 

Some of the seagulls that were around started pecking at something in the water near the shore.  After a closer look, Israel realized that it was a dead fish.  So, being the educator that he is, he went in and brought it to Imanuel and gave him a little fish anatomy lesson.  We’re not sure what type of fish it was, but it was pretty big.  Anyway, after that, Imanuel didn’t want to put it back in the water for the seagulls to eat.  He wanted to play with it instead.  But, Israel used that as another nature lesson to explain that dead animals provide food for other animals.  So, he put the fish on the sand and the seagulls eventually came by and started eating it.  YUCK.

Anyway, despite the SPF 50 sunblock that the kids were wearing, Micah got so dark!  I think he has Mexican skin.  I should have taken a before and after picture.  I don’t think Imanuel even got a tan at all.  (He obviously is the one who got Korean skin.)  Well, here are some pictures of our wonderful afternoon at the beach! 

Micah relaxing on the beach.  This was where the two of us hung out the whole time.

Building a sand castle!  Imanuel has been in this phase where he always needs to be matching with Daddy.  Today, they were pretty close!

Taking a dip!  (The water was cold!)

Micah played with the soccer ball the whole time.

Sitting in “warmer” water

I forgot to bring his hat, so being the resourceful person that I am, I used Imanuel’s extra underwear.  I know – I’m so innovative.  And no one could even tell the difference…

The Ramos guys!  We couldn’t get a good picture no matter how hard we tried.  This was the closest we could get.

We love it when Israel has the day off.  Whether it’s driving to Marquette to eat Thai or just going shopping at Walmart, it’s the day we always look forward to!  As long as he’s not out of town (or the country), me and boys get to spend the entire day with their daddy.  It’s the best times!

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