9 Months + 9 Months Later

Micah Christian turned 9 months this past Tuesday and this past Friday, he had his 9 month check-up with his pediatrician.  Here are his stats:  weight – 23lbs 4 oz   height – 29inches
At his past check up at 6 months, he was almost 23 lbs…so he has really been slimming down- even though he is still a big boy.  He still only has his 2 bottom teeth and he hasn’t discovered what it takes to get himself up on all fours.  He’s close though.  He scoots around quite a bit and has found an unconventional way to reach the toys out of his reach:  rolling there.  Micah loves to laugh – especially at Imanuel when he makes a lion’s growl.  Imanuel makes it a point to try to get him to laugh quite often.  It’s very cute. 

Overall, Micah is quite the momma’s boy.  While he doesn’t cry much at all, he whimpers with his lips closed and gives me this distressed look like his heart is breaking.  He has recently learned that if he reaches out his arms in my direction, I’m more likely to get him too.  It’s hard to describe in words, but if you could see it, he just looks so pitiful.  It’s so bizarre because having done this the second time around, I feel like I am much more susceptible to give in to Micah’s wants than with Imanuel.  I don’t know if it is because of Micah’s big brown eyes and his round face (that so much resembles a baby owl) or if it is because I am more relaxed and less stressed about parenting than when it was just Imanuel.  But Micah is seriously such a ham too.  Anyway, I pray that I remain consistent and as dedicated to Micah’s training (-if not more) as I was with Imanuel! 


Imanuel trying to get Micah to laugh in the car.  This was taken en route to Toronto for Andy & Laura’s wedding.  This was Micah’s first wedding and it was a very special one too!

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On a different note, the softball team that I was on was undefeated the entire season! 

Our softball team:  EE (Electrical Engineers) after winning the championship game
Andy-our team captain/manager, Jeff, Scott, Ken, Michael, Jorge, Myelise- our faithful record keeper, Julio, Mary, David, Amy, Manu- our cheerleader, and me

Grandma Karen gave us some peas and beans from her garden this past Sabbath.  As Israel and I were eating some raw peas (they are super-sweet, by the way) I had to take a picture of this one that Israel opened.  It reminded me of us.  There were four peas inside that varied slightly in shape and color, but fit so right together.   

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