“Thank you for writing Your Bible for me”

Before I put him down to bed: while I’m brushing his teeth, making him go bathroom for the last time, and changing him into his PJs; my Manu will ask “Can I talk to you for a little bit?”

So I’ll take him to my room and we’ll lay in bed together. I’ll ask how his day was, if he had fun, etc. And whenever we connect really well, I’ll try to tell him something about Jesus. I’ll say “Manu, do you know that Jesus died to save you?” and he’ll respond “Jesus died to save me?” Last week, he asked “Can I say thank you to Jesus?” And so it began…

I had to explain to Manu that although we can’t see Jesus and we probably won’t see Him until He comes again, we are still able to talk to Him and He hears us. In our conversation, I tried to explain to Manu that God’s presence is very real and that He still communicates to us through His word. And then, it struck him. I could tell. He began to understand. He said, “Jesus talks to us through the Bible?”

After telling him that he was correct, I asked Manu if he wanted to talk to Jesus. Manu told me that he would. I told him that we talk to Jesus through prayer as if we’re talking to a friend. I told him that he could tell Jesus anything he wanted to tell Him. And so we knelt on the bed and Manu prayed a prayer that I’ll remember for a long time.

“Dear Jesus, thank you for dying for me. Thank you for writing Your Bible for me. I love you. In Jesus name, amen.”

* added note: This post was written by Daddy.

13 thoughts on ““Thank you for writing Your Bible for me””

  1. I love how childrens’ views of Jesus can be so amazing and refreshing…  thanks Jude.  I love and miss you all.  My interactions with kids are the ones that really stand out…  I suppose they’re not as weighed down with the “realities” (so-called) of life as we are.  Thank You, Jesus, for dying for me, and for talking to me every day. 

  2. Israel, thank you for sharing that!  Our boys are so blessed to have such a godly, faithful daddy who spends time with them each day!  We miss you already…

  3. Did your heart not break into a squillion little pieces?  Bah!  My granny always told me that God hears children’s prayers the loudest and now I know why….

  4. Bah! That is so precious. Thank you for sharing these important moments with the rest of us! 🙂 [And thanks for letting us know that Israel was the poster. I usually just assume it’s Judy.]Love you guys!

  5. This is a precious story! It is so beautiful how at his young age you are teaching him how to have his own personal relationship with Jesus. I imagine that is what Hannah did with little Samuel. Thank you for sharing! If I ever become a parent one day, I want to do what you have done.

  6. Praise God for godly dads!! I was so touched by this post. It is such a blessing to see the two of you so dedicated to training your children in righteousness. God does bless!!!Amazing Adventures for Kids and Training Kids for Heaven aires on Sept 12-20 at 8:00-9:30. The first hour is for children, and the last 30 minutes is on parenting. My part will be Friday and Saturday night. Then a man and wife team will be sharing about your child and stress. I know the Clarks will be sharing either Tues/Wed or Thurs/Fri, and Dr. Nedley. You can see the schedule on 3ABN website. Cinda 

  7. This was such a cute story! You guys are doing such a wonderful job in raising your kids in the fear of the Lord! In response to your question, the waitress was just teasing Joe, but of course Albert and I enjoyed every moment of it! Which probably encouraged it!

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