Lala, Nana, Mama & the boys

From April 13-27, Lala and Nana Margie came to stay with us. Israel was scheduled to be in France for evangelism meetings from April 15-26. On the Thursday that he left, he drove to Marquette airport then flew to Detroit where his first layover was. And he never got any farther. The volcano that erupted in Iceland shut down all air travel into Europe temporarily. So, after a few days stuck in Detroit, he ended up driving back home with Daniel who happened to be downstate for that week. It was nice because we got to spend more time together and for the first time in a while, the number of parents (including 3 mothers!) in our house exceeded the number of kids. This resulted in scrumptious meals, plenty of playing for the kids, wonderful conversations, fun outings, 2 birthday parties (for Nana & Lala), an immaculate kitchen, a clean house, and a virtually stress-free 2 weeks! We were so blessed to have them here and we were so sad to see them go. Here are some of the highlights from their visit:

– receiving all of the special gifts from Lala & Nana (like Bible Bingo, books & clothes)
– Lala finding our big green ball in the woods
– Bentley protecting Nana from the porcupine and other porcupine stories…
– spending a couple days at Camp au Sable
– doing a sauna together
– Ty’s first solid feedings of rice cereal & his first haircut!
– all of the boys getting haircuts by Nana, a professional hair-stylist!  <–a separate post soon to come
– lots of walking/playing outside & being healthy (except for eating all of that cake)
– many trips to Walmart
– and plenty of hugs and kisses  🙂

We hope we can see them again soon! In the meantime, we have pictures to help us remember our fun times together. 

Lala & Nana, thank you so much for coming!

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