Grandparents & Nature Pics

The past couple of weeks have been filled with family, nature, and CHANGE.  Within a few short weeks, we have seen the leaves go from green to colorful to fallen to brown.  Uncle Jukes and Auntie Aileen came up 3 weeks ago, my parents came up 2 weeks ago, and this past weekend, Israel’s parents came.  It is contested which week was the peak color time, but for sure this past week the leaves were mostly fallen, due to the rainy/windy/cold weather.  But, it was nice to enjoy this extraordinary transformation from week to week with family. 

Before the pics, I need to mention that on Sabbath, October 11, Micah began to crawl!  He just turned 11 months yesterday.  He had been scooting around like an inch worm for a couple weeks, but now he has finally gotten his coordination right and he has been crawling…usually straight to Bentley’s food and water bowl…but at this point, I’m still just excited that he is mobile.  He is content on the ground, meaning, my arms get a break.   

Okay, here are pics of the unbeatable fall colors of the Keweenaw and with both sets of grandparents! 

In front of our house 

** Halmuhnee & Halabuhgee’s visit (after their golf outing) : Oct. 10-15, 2008 **

“Halmuhnee and Halbuhgee” in the woods by our house

Walking home

Copper Harbor, MI at Brockway – the pride of the Keweenaw!

Enjoying the view 
Fall Leaf Arrangement that Manu and my mom collected.  Yes, Steph, it is in a Roma jar.  :]

After using our apple picker that grandpa made!  We made lots of yummy apple cider!

** Abuelo & Lala’s visit : Oct. 15-19, 2008 **

At Lake Superior : McClain State Park


Micah fell in love with Abuelo this visit!

They left 95 degree weather and came to the U.P. for these two boys!

Manu and Micah already miss their grandparents very much!  We hope time flies by so we can see them again soon! 

5 thoughts on “Grandparents & Nature Pics”

  1. Congrazzles to Micah on his latest feat.  Please tell him how proud I am of him.  I hope he is helping to clean the floors now [albeit with his knees], because parents are busy and babies have more spare time to do such chores.  Thank you also for spelling out the phonetics of Grandma and Grandpa in Korean.  It has been a struggle for me to pronounce such words since I know Korean letters are different but when I see them written out, I can pick it all up faster.  On a side note, I met a woman who had a baby girl who was Chinese/Italian mix and I told her that I had a friend with a son that looked SO much like her daughter.  I think she got offended that I was saying her daughter looked like a little boy.  So I followed up with the fact that Micah is a semi- similar mix and then clearly I was just digging myself a large hole so I was throwing darts of SHE’S SO PRETTY, WOW, SOOO PRETTY and then the lady left because I think she thought I was a wingnut.  D’oh. 

  2. wow, the nature is just beautiful up there! It’s something nice about the fall, inspite of the cold weather.You’re blessed to be able to have both sets of grandparents come and visit. It seems the boys had a really good time! I’m happy Micah began crawling! blessings to you all.

  3. @peanutluey – LOL.  I’m sure it wouldn’t have helped, but many people have thought Micah was a girl!  🙂  Anyway, yeah, grandma and grandpa in Korean is really long.  We’ve always shorted grandpa to “halbuhgee” instead of the full “halabuhgee”.  Partly because that’s what we always called our grandpa, but it’s also easier.  Hope Maddy and you both are doing well!!

  4. hahaha…i love the Roma jar. if you hadn’t mentioned it, i probably wouldn’t have noticed. 🙂 by the way…did i ever tell you that this summer when we all hung out at david and tennille’s place (after canoeing), i thought you and israel (mostly israel) stole my Roma. hahaha. yeah…a day after, i asked tennille if she would bring my tea and Roma and stuff (that i forgot at their house) to work for me, but she said there was no Roma there. so i bought more, all the while wondering if israel swiped mine and smuggled it back to the UP. then, i was driving the little blue car that belongs to the publishing department, and i opened the trunk and there was a jar of Roma! then i remembered that sebastien had been there that night, too. so i guess he stole it! haha. anyway, you can tell israel that his name has been cleared. :)love the pictures. can’t wait for next week! 🙂

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