The Namm X-mas Games

This past Christmas, the Namms and families all got together in a beautiful, rustic cabin in St. Helen, MI.  It was pretty much the most memorable experience for our family…because historically, we don’t usually do anything.  It was extra special because we also celebrate two Namm b-days during the holidays.  Jukes was born on Christmas Eve and Dad was born on Christmas.  It was action/food-packed – the holidays aren’t for slackers – and there were high-stakes.   

There were Girl/Guy Challenges: 
– snowman building – GIRLS
– ping pong – GUYS
– board games (Taboo & Cranium) – GIRLS
– football in the snow – GUYS
– hat game – GUYS
– cookie decorating (which we never ended up doing)

Then there were Doubles Challenges:
– foosball – JULIE/JUSTIN
– ping pong – DAD/MOM

The official winners for girl/guy were the girls – pulling off a REPEAT from last year’s candy house contest.  And the winners for the doubles competition was Julie and Justin Namm.

But it wasn’t all competition.  We had two gift exchanges – one was a re-gift exchange and the other was the actual gift exchange.  And we did have some extra b-day gifts too.  So all of that, along with plenty of yummy food/cake/munchies/drinks, it was a great time.

It was lots of fun and many memories were made!  Here are a couple pictures from the weekend and once our siblings release the others, we’ll update in more detail.

In our backyard overlooking St. Helen Lake:

The guys:  Justin, Dad, Jukes, Imanuel, and Israel

The girls:  Mom, Julie, Imanuel, Judy, and Aileen  (Micah was napping.)

The ladies won the election, but on FB, the guys appear to have won the popular vote.  But we all know which one really counts. 

Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year!!

The Namm-Ramos Family

One thought on “The Namm X-mas Games”

  1. Ah cooll!… What a great time you had it sounds. I think a new family tradition has started!ha ha.. I love your perspective on the ‘election vs popular vote’…

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