The Best Sabbath

This past Sabbath was perhaps one of the greatest ones we’ve ever had – and for sure the best one while in the U.P. There were 2 special baptisms, Sara and Jamie Oger (husband and wife) from the Greenland Church and because Greenland doesn’t have a baptistry, it was decided that it’d be best to have it at Houghton Church. The home school group that we started at L’Anse was going to sing special music at Houghton as well. So, all three churches in our district came to worship together at Houghton. Not only that, Dr. Pipim and the CAMPUS missionaries came up for the week for the Bible Lecture Series that will be held on the campus of Michigan Tech. So, with the baptism, our kids singing special music, our entire church family and many visitors, and our special speaker, Dr. Pipim, it was an inspiring, Spirit-filled church service. Not to mention the awesome potluck and fellowship that followed. I think it can be assumed that it has been several years since our church was that packed! God is doing something in the U.P!
The only down-side is that Israel had (and still has) strep throat.  So, he sounds like the godfather and he’s been on antibiotics for a few days.  Good thing he didn’t have to preach! 

L’Anse Christian Home School Group
In September of last year, we decided to start a home school group at our church in L’Anse. There are two families in that church that are home schooling and there was another home school family with 7 children that we met through our VBS that previous summer. It started off a bit rocky, but the Lord has truly blessed our humble efforts and it has grown to over 20 kids (counting the babies too :)! We meet once a week (on Wednesdays,) for special classes that normal home schoolers cannot take at home. Daniel Jean-Francois leads in Worship/Bible, Israel teaches the Spanish Class, and I teach the Music Class. The kids bring their lunches and in the afternoon it’s either free time for games or there is a science lab. We are all Christians, but only about half of the families are Adventist. God has really opened up doors to reach out and share our message. And it gives me an opportunity to teach again! It’s been very exciting because our kids are the best kids in the world.  It’s almost unreal.  These yooper home school families/kids are amazing!

Here are some pictures from this past Sabbath as well as from our home school group:

Sharing their testimonies.

Jamie Oger ready to enter the watery grave.

Sara Oger publicly giving her life to Christ.

Dr. Pipim preaching, “Alone With God”.

Potluck.  🙂

Manu honking Auntie Alanna’s nose…hard.

Our kids sang, “The Gift Goes On” and did an excellent job!
Some of our girls playing a game at one of our Wednesday meetings.

The little kids always have craft time while the older kids take their classes.  This week (-it was back in September/October) they made bird feeders out of milk cartons.  The birds at our house ate all of the seeds from Manu’s feeder within a few days! 

At Elisabeth’s surprise b-day party!  Laura, Sara, and Casey

Ryan and Vinny – Best Friends. 

Uncle Daniel and Manu having some fun.  🙂

We feel so blessed to be a part of such a faithful group of Christians.  God has been using Daniel in such a mighty way to draw others closer to Christ.  He has been using Alanna to rally our student group together.  And we have been inspired by our faithful church family.  Sometimes it is hard to believe that God could/would want to use us to be a part of His ministry.  What joy it brings!  We hope and pray that God continues to use us to serve Him.

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