Micah’s Cracker Binge

This morning, Micah called us surprisingly early.  The boys have gotten into a routine where after one wakes up, they wake up their brother and play together for around half an hour.  Then after a while, Micah starts getting thirsty/hungry and so he calls for me.  Very similar to how it was with Imanuel:
“mama…maaaa-ma…Maa-Ma….MAAAA MA!”

Well, this morning, it started off a little differently.  It was about 8:00am (-and since we haven’t adjusted yet to daylight savings, it really was 7:00am – they usually wake up at 8:30am which would now be 9:30am).  I heard movement in their room a little earlier, but not much talking.  Then, for the first time in history, Micah called “da-da….da-da…da-da”  And after about 5 minutes with no response, he finally resorted to “ma-ma”.  I went in there with a cup of soymilk.

I handed him the cup and he started gulping down very rapidly.  And that’s when I saw the crackers.  A bag of Kashi TLC crackers were emptied into Micah’s crib and he had eaten them all except for a few that were under his blankets.  There were crumbs everywhere!  That’s when I remember the box being up on the drawers next to Micah’s crib.  He must have manuevered his stuffed animals to bring the box closer within reach.  Imanuel was still in bed sucking his thumb so I knew he wasn’t the cuprit. 

Needless to say, Micah was thirsty.  Very thirsty.  After drinking that cup of soymilk, he continued on to drink 2 more cups of water. 

*MORAL of the STORY*:  Don’t leave food unattended within Micah’s reach.  He will eat it…all!

Last time I weighed him on our scale, he was pushing 28lbs.  He is such a big eater that this morning Israel and I both agreed that Micah may eat more than Imanuel.  The good news is that Micah is beginning to walk more and more.  He took close to 8 steps this morning to Israel.  This means soon he will be able to run around and burn off those extra calories!  🙂 

He is also beginning to talk more.  Here are some new words/phrases:
– “I love youuuu”
– “Gracias”
– “De nada”
– “Mas”
– “Thank you”
– “Please” – (sign)
– “ka-ka” (crackers)
– “down” (spoken to Bentley at the dinner table)

He loves to talk to the pets…in a very high pitch voice:
– “Awww….puppers!” (talking to Bentley)
– “Awww…..Aroe!” (talking to both cats)

He is turning into quite a silly boy too (-like Imanuel).  Micah has his serious moments still, but he now tries to do funny things to make us laugh!  He really has a sense of humor at such a young age.  He has a little stubborn side too (which has been an object of prayer), but I’m glad that Imanuel has been so patient and easy-going about it.  That has helped to minimize conflict between the two of them. 

More recently I’ve witnessed the both of them playing little games together (initiated by Imanuel).  Usually Imanuel is pretending to be a shepherd with a staff, Micah is his sheep (since he crawls around already) and he follows Imanuel around.  Actually, Imanuel does a lot of trying to get his lamb to follow him too.  But that game can sometimes get dangerous when a robber wolf* “appears” and Imanuel finds it his duty to use his “staff” to “wack and thwack the robber wolf” to scare it away and protect his little lamb.  Othertimes, Imanuel crawls with Micah and they are both wolves, or dogs, or cows etc. etc.  And they just romp around the house together and make each other laugh by doing silly things.     

*From My Bible Friends, “Jabel the Shepherd”.

The boys are growing up too fast.  Their personalities are so different (-almost opposite) that I hope this helps them become best friends as opposed to competitive rivals.  I’m finding that I need Jesus to help me be more patient and to also refocus my life to be in tune with His.  As this world becomes more and more secular and indifferent to spiritual things, I want my sons to be different;  to be solid and bold in the Word;  to binge on the Bread of Life and then quench their thirst on the Water of Life.  And the only way that can happen is if it starts with me.  What a miracle it would take for all of us to make it to the Kingdom.  And Praise the Lord, Jesus was and is that Miracle.    

5 thoughts on “Micah’s Cracker Binge”

  1. aw…  i’m so sad that i’m not there to see them grow up like that…  come over and bring your robber wolves (or the ones who are trying to keep away from them) with you.  it’s amazing what God does and I pray that He’ll continually dwell in that great ol’ house of yours.  I know you guys are prayerful parents and although I’m sure challenges will come, it’ll be fun, too!  (I say this as I am teetering on the brink of insanity with my own ‘kids.’)  =)  I’m lovin’ it though. 

  2. That is so funny! I wish Micah could pass on some of his eating habits (not the cracker box one) to Elisa. She still doesn’t eat much at all, so between the two of them we would find a happy medium. 🙂 I wish so much we could hang out and see the boys playing and to see Micah walking and talking. That is sooooo exciting. I feel like we’ve missed so much since he wasn’t doing any of that stuff when we last saw him. I can totally relate to your ending thoughts. Your posts always encourage me so much. I especially like your object lesson about Micah’s cracker binge. I hope I remember it every time I see a box of crackers. 🙂 Thanks so much for posting and for the great work you are doing with your boys. They’re growing so nicely. Hope we can see you guys soon!!!

  3. that was a funny story. Your boys are so different! But they are so sweet…. Micah talks a lot, Daniel is 20 months and still not really talking os, he’s gonna take  awhile to do that. You’re doing good, keep up the good work, Judy!

  4. @DennyGabi – Denisa, Micah really doesn’t talk much.  Those are the words he “can” say, but usually he just sits there. @kimcheemeow – Thank you!  I hope they are an encouragement to other mothers.  As we all share, I think we can inspire each other to improve and grow.@threemendez – It was nice seeing you this past weekend!  🙂  We definitely should get together for a more extended period of time.  When are you guys coming up again?!@jensa07 – Hopefully this summer, you’ll get to know the boys really well.  😀  And I know you’re an awesome teacher with plenty of adoring students.  Your children are blessed!

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