4 thoughts on “Try…Try Again”

  1. HAHAHAHA!!!  My dad is an expert at that. I guess I’ve never tried. You should practice in the shower or something first. I’m sure your dad is an expert too (it might be in the Korean dad handbook. Israel didn’t get a copy, unfortunately. Hehe.)

  2. I think the secret is getting the snot to the right consistency. Too liquid-y and it will never work. Not that I’d know or anything, I’m just sayin hypothetically…  🙂

  3. @onathousandhills – Yes, Jen, I totally tried the Korean Dad thing where you slightly pinch the upper part of your nose…but in that case, you need some major power to get it all out cleanly.  This, I didn’t have.  I learned I need to close one nostril and blow out the other to provide adequate speed.  We’ll see how long it takes for me to muster enough courage to try again.@bekobeko – Al, that is a great point.  I really don’t think it’ll ever work for me.  🙁

  4. @rAmOsEs – hope you master it. I’m sure it’ll come in handy. One day, you don’t even have to SPIT in anyone’s face… you can just snot in it.  That would be awesome. I mean… yeah, you’d never do that…  😉

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