The Results Are In!

I did it!  With my first triathlon under my belt, I can’t help but feel a sense of gratitude towards all of you who have supported me and believed in me.    I plan to write an entry with my full race experience, but for now, I wanted to share the results and acknowledge those who helped make it happen.

Before the race, I had set personal race goals for myself:
400m swim: 8 min
16k bike: 38 min
5k run: 28 min
2 Transitions: 6 min
Total Race Time: 1:20

My coach set goals for me which were more challenging:
400m swim: 7.5 min
16k bike: under 38 min
5k run: under 27 min
Transitions: 3 min
Total Race Time: 1:15:30

And a more lofty goal that I had striven for was to rank in the top ten of my age category. 

Well, incredibly, I was able to reach all of those goals!

Here are my official race times:
400m swim: 10:09
16k bike: 34:25
5k run: 26:13
Transitions:  4:09
Total Race Time: 1:14:54!!

Hawk Island Tri 2011 Race Results

I want to express my heart-felt thanks to those who not only supported me as an athlete, but supported the cause which I raced for – to end child sex trafficking and slavery.  Each of the following people have given generously to the incredible organization:  Love 146Click HERE to see how much money was raised!

Thank you for your sacrifice and for making a difference!

– Mrs. Katherine Bonello
– Mrs. Ruth Chang
– Mrs. Jeanette Dorh
– Dr. Albert Kim
– Dr. Abigail Koo (Shin)
– Prof. Kendra Stanton Lee
– Mrs. Glenda Mock
– Dr. Alice Park
– Mr. & Mrs. Andy Publes
– Hubby Ramos

– Mom & Dad Namm
– Dr. & Dr. Jukes Namm
– Dr. Julie Namm
– Mr. Justin Namm
– Hubby Ramos
– Dr. Christopher Schwartz (Coach)
– Mrs. Jen Song

It isn’t too late to support our Tread on Trafficking campaign.  Visit our team page and become a member!  Give a donation if you haven’t already done so!  My first tri is now history, but our fight isn’t over until every child is free…

10 thoughts on “The Results Are In!”

  1. YOU ARE MADE OF AWESOME!!!!  (I already knew this, but golly goodness, what an inspiration, Judy!  To be so goal-oriented and to rise above.  Now treat yourself to something amazing!)

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