Micah’s Cracker Binge

This morning, Micah called us surprisingly early.  The boys have gotten into a routine where after one wakes up, they wake up their brother and play together for around half an hour.  Then after a while, Micah starts getting thirsty/hungry and so he calls for me.  Very similar to how it was with Imanuel:
“mama…maaaa-ma…Maa-Ma….MAAAA MA!”

Well, this morning, it started off a little differently.  It was about 8:00am (-and since we haven’t adjusted yet to daylight savings, it really was 7:00am – they usually wake up at 8:30am which would now be 9:30am).  I heard movement in their room a little earlier, but not much talking.  Then, for the first time in history, Micah called “da-da….da-da…da-da”  And after about 5 minutes with no response, he finally resorted to “ma-ma”.  I went in there with a cup of soymilk.

I handed him the cup and he started gulping down very rapidly.  And that’s when I saw the crackers.  A bag of Kashi TLC crackers were emptied into Micah’s crib and he had eaten them all except for a few that were under his blankets.  There were crumbs everywhere!  That’s when I remember the box being up on the drawers next to Micah’s crib.  He must have manuevered his stuffed animals to bring the box closer within reach.  Imanuel was still in bed sucking his thumb so I knew he wasn’t the cuprit. 

Needless to say, Micah was thirsty.  Very thirsty.  After drinking that cup of soymilk, he continued on to drink 2 more cups of water. 

*MORAL of the STORY*:  Don’t leave food unattended within Micah’s reach.  He will eat it…all!

Last time I weighed him on our scale, he was pushing 28lbs.  He is such a big eater that this morning Israel and I both agreed that Micah may eat more than Imanuel.  The good news is that Micah is beginning to walk more and more.  He took close to 8 steps this morning to Israel.  This means soon he will be able to run around and burn off those extra calories!  🙂 

He is also beginning to talk more.  Here are some new words/phrases:
– “I love youuuu”
– “Gracias”
– “De nada”
– “Mas”
– “Thank you”
– “Please” – (sign)
– “ka-ka” (crackers)
– “down” (spoken to Bentley at the dinner table)

He loves to talk to the pets…in a very high pitch voice:
– “Awww….puppers!” (talking to Bentley)
– “Awww…..Aroe!” (talking to both cats)

He is turning into quite a silly boy too (-like Imanuel).  Micah has his serious moments still, but he now tries to do funny things to make us laugh!  He really has a sense of humor at such a young age.  He has a little stubborn side too (which has been an object of prayer), but I’m glad that Imanuel has been so patient and easy-going about it.  That has helped to minimize conflict between the two of them. 

More recently I’ve witnessed the both of them playing little games together (initiated by Imanuel).  Usually Imanuel is pretending to be a shepherd with a staff, Micah is his sheep (since he crawls around already) and he follows Imanuel around.  Actually, Imanuel does a lot of trying to get his lamb to follow him too.  But that game can sometimes get dangerous when a robber wolf* “appears” and Imanuel finds it his duty to use his “staff” to “wack and thwack the robber wolf” to scare it away and protect his little lamb.  Othertimes, Imanuel crawls with Micah and they are both wolves, or dogs, or cows etc. etc.  And they just romp around the house together and make each other laugh by doing silly things.     

*From My Bible Friends, “Jabel the Shepherd”.

The boys are growing up too fast.  Their personalities are so different (-almost opposite) that I hope this helps them become best friends as opposed to competitive rivals.  I’m finding that I need Jesus to help me be more patient and to also refocus my life to be in tune with His.  As this world becomes more and more secular and indifferent to spiritual things, I want my sons to be different;  to be solid and bold in the Word;  to binge on the Bread of Life and then quench their thirst on the Water of Life.  And the only way that can happen is if it starts with me.  What a miracle it would take for all of us to make it to the Kingdom.  And Praise the Lord, Jesus was and is that Miracle.    

Happy 3rd Birthday, Imanuel!

On March 4th, we celebrated Imanuel’s 3rd year of life outside of the womb.  Wow, how time flies!  I still vividly remember blogging about how my pregnancy with him was going – how I couldn’t get that taste of bile out of my mouth, how I had barfed frequently (esp. on airplanes), and how I sat at my desk on my last day of teaching and knew that by the next time I came back, I’d finally have been able to see and hold my baby boy!  And just yesterday, he turned 3 years old!  It has been a joy and privilege being able to watch my baby grow. 

When they are babies, even the littlest things bring so much pride to (first-time) parents  – the first roll over, graduating to a bigger diaper size, eating solids, growing teeth, etc.  But as they become toddlers, there is so much more reason to be proud -crawling to walking, speaking words to speaking sentences, learning to share, to saying prayers and asking for forgiveness and the list goes on.  As their character and personality develops, you realize how much deeper a love can grow. 

And as I reflect on these past 3 years, all I can say is that raising Imanuel has truly been sweeter as the days go by.  Now, not to say that all days go “sweetly”.  But the experience has brought greater and yet greater joy.  I don’t wish I could go back in time.  I’ve loved him even more throughout each stage of his development.  And when I just long to go back to the times of having a baby (who can’t talk and talk and talk) I can always go to Micah.  

We had a low-key birthday celebration.  We went to our weekly home school group in the morning, spent the afternoon together as a family, and then we had dinner at Pizza Hut with Grandma Karen.  She never forgets the kids’ birthdays and always gets them such nice presents!  While Imanuel and Micah don’t have their biological grandparents around, they are so blessed to have such loving grandmas and grandpas from church!

We made cupcakes and brought them to share with all of his friends from the home school group.

We came home and Manu opened presents!

Underwear and socks from Mama!  And matching clogs/house slippers for the boys too!

A golf set from Daddy!

He was very happy with his gifts.  In fact, when asked whose gift he liked better, Mama’s or Daddy’s, he said, “I like both!”  He really loves socks. 

I made this mini-cake using 2 mess-kit bowls.  🙂  It was “funfetti” cake as requested by the b-day boy. 
He was so excited to see his cake!  He LOVES strawberries too!
 He blew out all the candles in one try!  Daddy was so proud!  Micah just wanted to eat the cake.

Happy Birthday, Imanuel Alexander Ramos!  We love you sooo much!!

Israel’s 29th Birthday – 2/26/80

It has been a few years since we’ve been home for Israel’s birthday.  Usually we take our vacations this week (during spring break).  But it was nice because it was just a very relaxing day where we could spend time together as a family.  We didn’t do anything fancy.  We just couldn’t afford much this time.  As a special activity, we did a family sauna.  LOL.  Israel’s gift was practical (-as in, something he needed anyway):  2 sets of long johns.  I baked some cookies and a cake.  And Israel made dinner because that’s what he wanted to do and we invited Daniel and Alanna to join us for that.  It felt like a scene from “Little House” (-except I don’t think Charles knows how to cook).  But it was nice just to spend time as a family and to give Israel special treatment for the day. 

The day started with Israel starting up our wood stove to heat the house up!

Sauna time!  (pronounced:  SAH-oo-nah for you non-yoopers out there)

We sweat it out while the kids played with the water (-they sweat too!). 

On Daddy’s birthday, we all decided to dress like Daddy for the day – PJs!

Micah putting on his crown.

The Cake:  vegan strawberry cake with lemon icing and crushed walnuts (on the sides)
I knew my Cake Decorating Pathfinder Honor would come in handy!  😀

Dinner with Uncle Daniel & Auntie Alanna.  Manu pretending he is Little David.

The Menu:  Pieces of “mandoo” swimming in a mushroom/kelp-based broth with a cube of tempura tofu resting in the center.  This dish was topped off with diced scallions and watercress.  Served with white rice.  An original recipe from Chef Israel Ramos.  It was excellent.
He recruited some help to blow out the candles.

We didn’t realize how much smoke 29 candles would produce and we had to fan the smoke detector so it wouldn’t go off!

It was so nice to receive so many phone calls/messages etc. from loved ones.  We thank all of you for remembering and caring.  Israel, hope you felt special and loved because that’s what you are!  God bless you this next year and may He grant you the desires of your heart!  We love you more than you know.

Judy, Imanuel, and Micah

A Day of Showing Love

This Valentine’s Day, I’m glad it fell on a Sabbath. 

While we (Israel and I) have never done much for Valentine’s Day, I decided that we could use this opportunity to express our love for our church members.  Imanuel and I wrote and passed out little Christian Valentines to all of his friends, the ladies, and the widows of the church.  They were very simple, but the message was the same – “God is Love” and they are all very special and loved by us. 

I also began thinking of those in our church whose loved ones (spouses) passed away.  Many of them have been living alone for years.  Holidays such as these must be very difficult for them.  We wrote special notes for those who were widows.  Israel delivered the ones to L’Anse church and he told me how touched one lady was.  She told him that it had been YEARS since she had received a Valentine and she was so thankful.  While I’m not a big fan of this holiday, I do want to say that it is a wonderful opportunity to reach out to those who need to feel loved – especially those who have lost their spouses. 

We gave away 32 cards, stickers and candies.

Manu hand-delivered the ones at church and we mailed out the rest. 

Hope you felt loved on Valentine’s Day!  If not, we love you and Jesus loves you more!   

**  We wanted to also wish our sister, Julie, a special, happy birthday today!  May God bless and guide you even more this upcoming year!  ** 

Imanuel Alexander’s Debut as Bible Boy

Imanuel was asked to be the Bible Boy for Andy & Idaliza Publes’s wedding on January 4, 2009.  (We’ll never forget that date since that is Bentley’s birthday!)  I declined right away because I wasn’t sure if Imanuel would actually walk down and not ruin the wedding.  He’s only 2!  But, both of them insisted that they love kids and they think it would be cute even if he messed up.  (Right.)  Well, I consented, and after several practices in our house, (where I would hum “Canon in D” and our hallway would be the center aisle), on that beautiful, brisk wedding day, he did a marvelous job.  He handed that heavy Spanish Bible to Israel who officiated (-it was his first wedding & it was in Spanish!)  Israel did great and everyone was happy.  😀  Praise God!  It was a gorgeous wedding that we felt so honored to be a part of. 

Here is a clip of Manu walking down the aisle.  This was taken by Andy’s (groom) friend on his phone.

We’ll try to get some pictures up sometime too. 

Two “Firsts” for Micah

This weekend was quite eventful.  Micah’s 5th tooth emerged from his upper gums, we went to church, came home, Israel left to go downstate for a meeting on Sunday, students came over to watch “Gifted Hands” and I’ve been chilling with the boys.  Israel comes back tomorrow so I’ve been doing all I can to take advantage of his absence – throwing a party, doing things to the boys that I’ve always wanted to do (ie. cut Micah’s hair!!)…umm….

Pictures were taken before Daddy left for the airport yesterday. 

We miss you, Daddy! 

The first “first” was last night when for supper I decided to sort of initiate Micah into Adventist lifestyle and diet. 

His very first popcorn & smoothie dinner.

Later that evening, I had the students over for more popcorn and we watched “Gifted Hands”.  The kids went to bed, but at least they got to eat the popcorn!  😀

This picture was taken this morning. 

In the afternoon, I gave the boys a bath.  That is one of their favorite things to do.

Micah and his beautiful Mexican skin.

Soaking in some sun before…

I did this while Israel was away in Lansing for a meeting.  Hope he doesn’t find out!  🙂


It wasn’t the most even job, but I did my best. 

Also, I made a few mental notes: 1)  Don’t try to use food as a distraction for child to hold still.  I’m sure Micah ingested quite a few hairs along with the tortilla chips.  2)  Don’t give the bath before the cut, save it for after…or you’ll end up doing it twice, like me. 

So, what do you all think?

“A Frigid Place Gets a Blast From Space”

The Best of Winter Carnival ’09

It wasn’t as cold as previous years, but it was still cold nonetheless.  Yesterday, the four of us put on our long johns, snow pants, and all our other winter accessories and headed to campus at around 3pm to check out the snow sculptures from this year.  The theme was “A Frigid Place Gets a Blast from Space”.  We mainly took pictures of the best ones which are from the fraternity division. But towards the beginning, we included some shots of the smaller sculptures as well.  Enjoy! 

These are what flowers in the U.P. look like.

It’s amazing because even the lettering must be made of water/ice/snow!

The title of this one is “Our God Created Time & Space and Through His Son Showed Us His Grace”

This one was by the Sound Engineering Society.  Lots of sound.
Aliens playing a popular Tech sport – Broom Ball!

Buzz Light Year and friends…

Okay, now for the good ones:

Man on the Moon – 3rd place fraternity division

An Alien City – 2nd Place

And finally, the frat that took the 1st Place Title for 2 years in a row…

They portrayed the movie “Men In Black”.

Life size street light made of ice.  Broadway & Fifth Street.

Little ice figurines of objects/characters from the movie.

Pizza box

Alien eating pizza and if you look closely, they actually had a piece of pizza in his see-through stomach too!

Orion, the cat

It was amazing.  And how they create such masterpieces is kept secret. 

Our New Wood Stove, the Snow, and the Boys

For the past couple of weeks now, we have been using our “new” wood stove to heat our house. Propane has been ridiculously expensive and so we’re trying this alternative method. It’s been great so far. It will definitely be considered one of our best buys for the year. Costing only $15 for the used oil can and $150 for the starter kit, it is the cheapest wood stove you can get. It probably doesn’t score too high on its safety ratings, but with our trusty smoke & carbon monoxide detector-in-one, and with the Lord on our side, we aren’t too worried.  It may look ghetto, but it keeps our house a piping 72 degrees when the coals are hot!  

If you haven’t noticed, our pets love this room now!

For the past couple of days, it hasn’t stopped snowing:

Today Israel had a District 1 meeting in Marquette, so while Micah was sleeping, I decided to take Manu out to play.  He’s been having some trouble going to bed at their normal bedtime (7pm).  And he’s constantly tempted to wake up Micah to play after he can’t fall asleep.  So, in an effort to help tire him out, I’m trying to keep him more active during the day.  (And we’ve been pushing his bedtime back about an hour.)  Hopefully this new tactic works.

Building snow bricks for our cave…

We started making a snow cave.  (It also doubles as our personal sledding hill.)  When it stops snowing, it’ll probably be twice this size.  I’ll try to get a picture when it’s completed.  This is when we just started.

And lastly, here are the most recent pics of the boys chilling at home.  Micah is now 14 months and in 2 days, Imanuel will be one month shy of 3 years old.

And we especially want to thank Auntie Jen for the singing cow.  Micah wants it pushed over and over and over and over again.  In the second picture, he’s actually asking me to push it.

Micah’s long tresses and lashes.  He hasn’t had a real hair cut yet.

He can stand up and walk along furniture, but his main mode of transportation is still on all fours. 

While I encourage sharing, I try as much as possible to ensure that they don’t share their food with our dog.  Sometimes I permit it, but it is usually only when Imanuel asks if he can.  But I find it quite hilarious that both boys can now protect themselves and their food from the snares of Bentley.  Micah still isn’t 100% successful, but he’s getting there. 

The boys eating and making sure Bentley keeps his distance.

Imanuel handing a cracker to Micah as Bentley gets into position.
But then Micah stuffs it into his mouth before Bentley snatches it out of his hand.  I rarely have to intervene now.  🙂  But it is a rather stressful way to eat snacks. 

Micah is into putting objects into containers.  He’ll crawl around the living room picking up toys and putting them into the laundry basket or toy box.  He kept putting toys into the cracker jar and Imanuel kept taking them out.  LOL.

Micah signing “More” and “Please” – his two favorite words.

Manu smiling for the camera.  For some reason he just loves the full body PJs.

I can honestly say now that things are getting quite challenging and it has everything to do with the cute little boy wearing his “footies” seen above.  Everything prior to this time was a breeze for me (-I realize now in retrospect).  Trying to parent him has become like an experiment where you try to say/do the “right” things to get the desired results but every time you fail and/or mess up, it adds more and more variables.  It can easily lead to feelings of regret, fear, and insecurity. 

The older Imanuel gets (-and the longer I am a mother), the more I feel so strongly that God takes such a huge risk to entrust His children to humans.  Or maybe I should say that He has such confidence.  It is rather humbling.  I mean, I would trust very few people to even babysit my kids, let alone raise them.  And they are people who I obviously feel are “better” or at least would do a comparable job as me.  Yet God says to me (and to us) that He trusts so much in the power of His Son’s sacrifice, that He knows that it is possible for me to do the impossible.  He knows I can raise my kids to be fit for this life and for the life to come.  He knows I can overcome myself and be the example He wants me to be for my boys.  Sometimes I don’t feel comfortable with that responsibility.  But, the encouraging news is that the omniscent God knows that it is at least possible.  At times, it takes a lot of faith to believe.   

Anyway, to end on a lighter note, I wanted to write down some funny things I want to remember.  Imanuel loves to sing.  One of his up and coming favorite songs is “Read Your Bible, Pray Everyday” which also goes to the same tune as “I Will Make You Fishers of Men”.  He loves both of those songs.  Well, the interesting thing about that tune and both songs is that he cannot seem to get the lyrics right!  Without fail, he always sings,

“Bring your Bible, pray everyday and you’ll grow, grow grow…” 

I completely blame this one on Sikhu (by way of Sebastien) because she would always say, “Worship!  Bring your Bibles!” 

And another time, he was singing to himself, “I will make you fishers of men…” and when he got to the second verse (Hear Christ calling, “Come unto me, I will give you rest…”) he started singing,

“Hear Christ calling, ‘Come unto me, come unto me, come unto me,
“Hear Christ calling, ‘Come unto me, I will make you sleep’
“I will make you sleep, I will make you sleep…”

Then I began wondering if he even thought that was a good thing or not…

Anyway, everyday, while it brings its challenges, has so many more happy moments that at the end of the day, I feel so very blessed.  I am thoroughly convinced that God desires His children to experience happiness even here on this sinful earth! 

The Best Sabbath

This past Sabbath was perhaps one of the greatest ones we’ve ever had – and for sure the best one while in the U.P. There were 2 special baptisms, Sara and Jamie Oger (husband and wife) from the Greenland Church and because Greenland doesn’t have a baptistry, it was decided that it’d be best to have it at Houghton Church. The home school group that we started at L’Anse was going to sing special music at Houghton as well. So, all three churches in our district came to worship together at Houghton. Not only that, Dr. Pipim and the CAMPUS missionaries came up for the week for the Bible Lecture Series that will be held on the campus of Michigan Tech. So, with the baptism, our kids singing special music, our entire church family and many visitors, and our special speaker, Dr. Pipim, it was an inspiring, Spirit-filled church service. Not to mention the awesome potluck and fellowship that followed. I think it can be assumed that it has been several years since our church was that packed! God is doing something in the U.P!
The only down-side is that Israel had (and still has) strep throat.  So, he sounds like the godfather and he’s been on antibiotics for a few days.  Good thing he didn’t have to preach! 

L’Anse Christian Home School Group
In September of last year, we decided to start a home school group at our church in L’Anse. There are two families in that church that are home schooling and there was another home school family with 7 children that we met through our VBS that previous summer. It started off a bit rocky, but the Lord has truly blessed our humble efforts and it has grown to over 20 kids (counting the babies too :)! We meet once a week (on Wednesdays,) for special classes that normal home schoolers cannot take at home. Daniel Jean-Francois leads in Worship/Bible, Israel teaches the Spanish Class, and I teach the Music Class. The kids bring their lunches and in the afternoon it’s either free time for games or there is a science lab. We are all Christians, but only about half of the families are Adventist. God has really opened up doors to reach out and share our message. And it gives me an opportunity to teach again! It’s been very exciting because our kids are the best kids in the world.  It’s almost unreal.  These yooper home school families/kids are amazing!

Here are some pictures from this past Sabbath as well as from our home school group:

Sharing their testimonies.

Jamie Oger ready to enter the watery grave.

Sara Oger publicly giving her life to Christ.

Dr. Pipim preaching, “Alone With God”.

Potluck.  🙂

Manu honking Auntie Alanna’s nose…hard.

Our kids sang, “The Gift Goes On” and did an excellent job!
Some of our girls playing a game at one of our Wednesday meetings.

The little kids always have craft time while the older kids take their classes.  This week (-it was back in September/October) they made bird feeders out of milk cartons.  The birds at our house ate all of the seeds from Manu’s feeder within a few days! 

At Elisabeth’s surprise b-day party!  Laura, Sara, and Casey

Ryan and Vinny – Best Friends. 

Uncle Daniel and Manu having some fun.  🙂

We feel so blessed to be a part of such a faithful group of Christians.  God has been using Daniel in such a mighty way to draw others closer to Christ.  He has been using Alanna to rally our student group together.  And we have been inspired by our faithful church family.  Sometimes it is hard to believe that God could/would want to use us to be a part of His ministry.  What joy it brings!  We hope and pray that God continues to use us to serve Him.

In Virum Perfectum