Back From Church

Today was the first Sabbath that I had to get both kids ready and to church by myself.  Israel leaves for our first church, L’Anse, a little before 8am to preach at 8:30am, then he heads over to our second church, Greenland to preach at 10am, and finally he gets to Houghton at 11:30am to preach.  Usually Imanuel and I just go to Houghton Church (since it is the closest one).  Anyhow, with Micah to get ready, it took longer than I anticipated.  So, while I was shooting to make it by 11:30am, I ended up getting to church at 11:50.  At least we made it in time to hear the whole sermon.  We took these pics when we got home.

Imanuel loves wearing a tie on Sabbath like his daddy.  His Auntie Angie bought him the suit and tie.  Thank you!  It finally fits!

Micah also dressed up for church today.  He wore shoes for the first time and his owl outfit from Auntie Stephie.  It is size 3/6 month and unfortunately, I think this will be the last time he wears it!  So, we took a picture to memorialize it.  
(This morning I barely got his arms to fit in the shirt, and the button on the pants almost popped off!)

Both boys are doing some lay-activities and I think I may join them.  Thank God for the Sabbath.

Updates On All Of Us

MICAH:  is now almost 17 lbs and just about 7 weeks.  He is growing like crazy and pretty much looks like a 6 month old.  He’s a good baby.  He doesn’t cry much and when he does, it’s usually because he has some sort of indigestion/gas going on.  Considering his weight, he’s pretty patient about waiting on feedings.  I don’t know how he’s gaining so much!  Anyway, he’s a cutie.  I think his face looks like a baby owl.  He has some huge “moon” eyes and his face is shaped like a hamburger.  LOL.  He’s very sweet and I think he’s going to be more laid back than Imanuel.  He sleeps well and it’s been more fun because he’s starting to be more awake during the day and sleeping more at night.  Oh, and he loves my dad.  He’s an expert at getting him to stop crying!

IMANUEL:  is almost 30 lbs and turned 22 months.  I think his favorite thing to do now is to sing and to play with his many balls (- balls are definitely his favorite toys).  His favorite songs at the moment are “Give Me the Bible” (yes, the hymn), “Jesus Loves Me”, “The Battle of Jericho”, and “Gohm Sae Ma-Ri” (Korean song about family of bears).  After Pastor Conway gave a week long series up here (- “Give Me the Bible” was the theme song), Imanuel has wanted to sing that song for evening worship EVERY DAY.  Imanuel sings along too – for all 4 verses!  His abuela (La-la) bought him a Bible Songs DVD by the Cedarmont Kids and he’s probably watched it at least 50 times.  Anyway, Jericho is his all-time favorite on that DVD.  Last week, he started requesting me to sing it instead of his normal bedtime song.  (For those of you wondering, yes, it’s the one that goes “Joshua fit he battle of Jericho, Jericho, Jericho….”.)  In fact, he loves it so much that his lime green recorder has become his trumpet.  And, starting a few days ago when Imanuel trips and falls, he says, “Fell down – Jericho – fell down!”  When he falls, he believes he IS Jericho. 
Imanuel loves to talk and he copies whatever he hears.  It is so hilarious.  These were some of funny things he’s said:
– He called me “honey” (with Korean accent) a couple times bc that’s what my parents call us.
– During evening worship, he’s given himself the liberty to say who should pray.  Last night, with all seriousness, he said, “Owl, pray” as he held up his stuffed baby owl.
– And just for my little bro, Justin:  Today my dad was telling Imanuel not to go into the foyer area and he said, “Don’t go down there”.  Imanuel immediately responded by saying (Dad-style), “Simbas down there!”  LOL!  

JUDY:  is starting a serious exercise/diet regime.  After hitting the 6
week mark, I can finally start doing some serious exercise!  Because
I’m breastfeeding, you’d think I’d be losing weight more easily, but
I’ve realized that this is not the case.  I am so hungry all the
time…and with my mom here, I’ve been eating just as many calories as
I’ve been losing.  So, I’m not sure if that benefit of breastfeeding is
applying to me at this point.  I have a feeling that I’m gonna have to start making good use of the treadmill!

ISRAEL:  is doing a lot of traveling this month.  Pray for him…and for me and the kids!

AROE:  is still very cute and affectionate (aka needy).    

CHANCE:  is getting fatter and fatter every day since he doesn’t go outside anymore.

and last but not least…

BENTLEY:  turned 3 on Friday!  (His b-day was Jan. 4, 2005)  Happy Birthday, Bentley!  We are so glad that we have Bentley as our dog.  He’s only getting better and better as the years go by.  🙂

Okay, so that was my update on the family.  Our lives our pretty crazy and things get tough at times, but I’m thankful that in each member of our family I’m reminded that God loves me.  I’m realizing more that our children are perfect gifts that God gives to us.  They’re perfect not because of who they are, but by how they so deeply and specifically impact their parents.   Not only will parents have stars on their crowns representing their children, but I think children will also have stars representing their parents for the many ways they taught us and led us to Him.

Micah Christian is Enormous (& other updates)

As of today, (Israel is en route to Taiwan) and Micah is officially wearing clothes for 6 month olds.  We weighed him a few days ago and he was 15 lbs.  Typically babies should double their birth weight when they are 3 months.  However, Micah almost doubled his weight in one month.  AND, he was a big baby. 
Anyhow, I just wanted to say that God has been so good to us.   We’ve been so blessed to have both of our families come up and visit during Thanksgiving and Christmas.  They’ve been such a great help with taking care of the boys and it’s just been so much fun!  I don’t even want to take naps during the day!  (Except for today…somehow I knocked out on the bed after I put Micah down for a nap.)  It’s truly been like a super-duper long vacation.   So, here’s a big thank you to both sets of parents and our siblings.  You have been a blessing to us!
GYC was also a blessing.  (Jen, I went!)  My mom and I pretty much just chilled in the hotel room.  Every time we did venture out to attend a meeting, some sort of disaster seemed to happen.  Prime example being when Iman rushed the stage when Israel was preaching opening night.  He would have run up on stage were it not for the security lady who had to block him…twice.  BUT, the few meetings that we were able to hear live and via the live streaming on the 3ABN website were powerful.  I can’t wait to hear the messages when they’re put up on the website.  I wasn’t able to attend the last meeting/charge, but Israel was really moved by it.  We completely trust that God is going to do something extraordinary with the new E-com.   We’re praying for you guys. 
Of course it was great to see such a concentration of friends in one place too!  The other day, we were reflecting on how blessed our children are to have so many uncles and aunties who love the Lord.  If by God’s grace, our children are there, we believe each of you will have played a special part. 
Well, I’m going to close here.  Tomorrow will be my first time officially attending church after 5 weeks.  I’ll need to get a some things ready tonight if I want us to make it in time.  My brother, Justin, will be preaching so it’ll be a nice treat.  Hope everyone has a happy Sabbath!  I know I will. 

PS:  Pray for Israel!  He’ll be in Taiwan for the GC Youth Congress.  Let’s also pray that God blesses the meetings there.

IA and MC sporting the outfits that Imo bought for them.

Sahm-choon exhausted from all his finals…but ready to baby-sit!

Imo is ready to peace-out to go on a cruise with a mission. 

Micah with his grams…

Micah sporting his Christmas shirt that his daddy bought for him.  Merry 1st Christmas!

Micah Christian at 1 month.  Daddy, come home soon!

A Yooper Christmas

The Namm family took over the Ramos house to celebrate the birth of Christ and the birth of Papa Namm. 

The celebration began with the arrival of Papa from DTW.  The cake that is being pictured here is flexible: it was first used for Papa and then it was used (as seen above in this picture) for Uncle Jukes(ie).  Bentley is sneaking some love to Judy.

Uncle Juice (on smoothies) is with nephews Macs and Imax (NOT MANNY & MC)

As soon as Papa got in, we woke up Iman and we had an opening presents ceremony

It took everyone to help put the basketball hoop together.  Manu is practicing for his game against Uncle Juice(on) Smoothies

The game was sponsored by Silk Milk–It’s in Manu, is IT in YOU

Then the girls (Julie and Judy) made up a candy house building competition.  We can’t explain all the rules because there were more rules that the Pharisees had back in the day — and they made them up as we went.  But here they are putting together the house that Julie planned while Justin and I were at GYC.

Even still, we had some good competition.  The men’s house is on the right.  Notice the streamlineness of our contemporary design versus their sloppy home with yellow snow.  How they won?  I don’t know, but Jukes and Aileen all of a sudden had enough money to buy a Benz.

With all the cheating aside, and all, the men still manifested a spirit of selflessness and we took this picture with them.  Notice the evil smiles on the girls.  BTW, our event was sponsored by Walmart — the Low Price Leader Every Day.

Air Force One was provided by Stephen Row

Vote Stephen Row President 2008!

Stephen: Increase the Piece.


Abuela & Abuelo’s Visit!

Imanuel & Micah’s grandparents from California came to visit for the first week of Micah’s life.  Unfortunately, on their way here, they had a flight canceled, lost luggage, and it ended with a horrible snow storm, us driving into a ditch, and having a neighbor drive us back home while we waited for the tow truck.  Oh, and they ended up missing their flight back.  We’re hoping that they’re not too traumatized by our weather and that they’d be willing to come back to visit…(maybe in the spring or summer??!!)  

Lala, Manu, Micah, and Vicente Fox (Mexico’s last president)…oh…wait…it’s Abuelo (another word for grandpa)  The mustache is a bit deceiving.

Abuelo showing Micah some love

Manu with his grandparents just before they head back home…a day after their scheduled departure.  Not many flights out of the UP.

Welcome to CMX home of Michigan Tech and Finlandia Universities.  Grandparents on their way out.  But Abuelo wanted to take a picture by the welcome sign.

We need to send this out before we get another winter storm and our electricity goes out and we can’t send this out.



Two Weeks

It’s hard to believe that Micah will only be two weeks tomorrow.  It seems as though we’ve had him for months.  It’s been a joy watching Micah grow and change.  He eats so much.  (This is perfect for my weight-loss plan.)  We went to see his doctor when he was one week old and he weighed 9 lbs 5 oz!  Anyway, his umbilical cord fell off this past Thursday and this evening he got his first tub bath which was nice.  Imanuel is doing great.  He loves his brother and makes sure he gives him a kiss whenever he sees him.  He calls him “baby”, “Micah”, and “brother”.  It’s very sweet.      
On a different note, we’ve had severe weather for nearly a week now and it’s been snowing almost non-stop!  Israel has had the wonderful job of snow-blowing our driveway and clearing off the deck & some lawn so Bentley can go potty.   Imanuel also had his first snow outing for this year and had a blast.  He loves the snow!

Micah soaking in the last rays of sun…

Micah & Imanuel

Thanksgiving Break

This Thanksgiving Break, Sebastien, Thando, and Jo came to the U.P. to visit with us and Sikhu.  We had a nice time together and we hope they did too!  It was extra special because “Auntie Jo-Jo” (that’s what IA calls her) celebrated her 22nd birthday up here. 

This pic depicts what Sikhu likes to call an oreo.  I say it’s  more like a lemon-cream-filled oreo. 

Uncle Sebastien and baby Micah struggling to keep their eyes open.

There we go.

He had a booger up his nose and Sikhu was staring at it. 

~Happy 60th Birthday, Jo! ~  😛

Check out the look of genuine surprise…

Israel picked out the card.  That’s all I have to say.

~ Brothers ~
Imanuel loves his brother very much and so far has not shown any signs of jealousy (PTL).  He is learning how to be gentle when kissing/hugging him and how to speak quietly when his baby brother is sleeping.  We hope and pray that he’ll be a godly role model and friend to Micah. 

Pregnant to Popped

Thanks, everyone, for your prayers, congratulations, and kind words!  We are  happily settling in at home.  God has been so good and everyone of us is doing extremely well.  This delivery was SO much easier than the first one.  I’m so glad that the baby is finally out.  Recovery is much quicker than last time and I’m feeling  good.  I know it was because of your many prayers!  Here are some pics that we wanted to share…

3 days before the big day…

Micah Christian at 1 day old

the happy mommy

daddy and his 2 boys

the proud grandparents 🙂

chillin’ with some visitors – (thanks – everyone who visited!)

going home!!

P.S.  Pics from Thanksgiving Break coming soon!

Introducing: Micah Christian Ramos

This morning, at 3:00 am, Judy and I headed to the hospital for our C-Section scheduled for 7:00.  We arrived at the hospital at around 4:00 to get her prepared for the delivery. 

Right on time, we went into the OR, and 28 minutes later, our second son entered the world with a voice that gives competition to that of his older brother.  He has a lot of hair on his head–more than Imanuel had, but it’s lighter.  In many ways, the two Ramos Boys look the same at first glance.

I was able to be with Judy during the delivery, and she did very well.  We’re thankful to God that everything went very well and we were able to enjoy this moment together.  Imanuel loves his brother even though it took him a little time to get used to him.  He calls him by his name and constantly comments on his hat, how he sleeps.  He likes touching his nose and grabs his face to kiss him.

The details:

//8lbs 14oz 20in//
Our pediatrician is a member of our church and makes killer Thai food: Dr. Rajanee Sripaipan

The three of us.

They hooked Judy up to this machine — it’s a heater!

The hose plugged into her robe

This was the result.  (We had to hold Judy down from flying away)

They poked Judy 5 times before being able to get the IV in.  It was kind of painful for her.

But she tried to maintain a happy spirit…

This is how she really felt though

Before the surgery

Getting ready to supervise the doctors

Micah is born, Dr. Rajanee is holding him.

Good lungs

Me and my boy Micah.  (Judy wasn’t able to hold him for a pic yet)
Thanks to Tom and Daniel for calling to pray with us–good Adventist elders.  And thanks to all of those who kept us in prayer.

We look forward to the Thanksgiving holiday with our growing family.

The Last Month

Here are some pics and an update from this past month.  Things have been extremely busy with Israel being in and out and trying to get things in order before the baby comes.  In less than 6 days, we’ll get to see the little one…who apparently isn’t quite so little.  The doc is predicting that this kid is at least 8.5 lbs! 

Oct. 4 – Israel took all of us to Green Bay for my b-day.  We stayed in a nice resort for the night and enjoyed some fun and crazy activities.  And that’s all I’m going to say about that.  😉

No comment about the pic.

However, I will take this opportunity to tell a funny story about Bentley.  A couple months ago, I was sitting on the couch and Bentley came over and sat on my lap.  He was leaning on my tummy when all of a sudden the baby kicked really hard and abruptly.  Bentley jumped up and looked at my belly wondering what just hit him.  It was funny. 

This pic was taken on Nov. 3 and it was snowing.  I think it was like the 2nd snow fall of the season. 

My parents came the last week of Oct/first week of Nov.  It was so nice to have them here!  Imanuel was so sad when they had to leave.  Even now, he’ll talk about how “Hal-muh-nee” and “Hal-buh-gee” are “gone” and how they went “bye bye”.  Then he’ll want to call them…

These last pics are of me and my boys.  They were taken tonight. 

Imanuel loves kissing his baby brother…

…and hugging him.

Not sure if I’ll post again until I have the baby, but here are some future posts that I’d like to put up eventually:
– top memories from this pregnancy (special tributes)
– best surprise baby shower (waiting for the pics)
– and obviously the baby’s arrival 

If you can remember, please keep us in prayer particularly on  Monday, Nov. 19.  Surgery is scheduled at 7am.  We can’t wait! 

In Virum Perfectum