Eucerin Mischief and Micah’s Words

So, a couple nights ago, our friends Carol and Jennifer (students at Tech) were chilling with me.  They are still on break and they were able to spend a lot of time at our place (as they live in Kenya).  It has been such a blessing.  Anyway, on Tuesday night, I had put the kids down and we were chatting in the kitchen. 

* Imanuel had crept out of his room twice already because he had to “go to the bathroom”.  And I put those words in quotations not because he didn’t HAVE to go, but because he would FORCE himself to go…like 5 drops max.  Unlike his brother, he has never fully recovered from jetlag due to our trip to GYC. *

I soon noticed that the lights to the boys’ room was on.  This has NEVER happened before.  And I was quite frustrated because I knew that Micah would now be awake as well.  I opened the door and immediately Imanuel threw something out of the crib (-he had climbed into Micah’s crib…as his custom has been lately), hid his face in his hands and started crying (- a sign of conviction in this case).  And to my horror, Micah, sporting his normal unassuming look, was covered in white stuff.  All I could utter out of my mouth was, “Oh My Goodness.”  The girls ran into the room and gasped. 

I pieced things together.  That day I had bought an $8 jar of Eucerin cream for Micah’s back.  (He has eczema.)  Imanuel must have found it when he decided to switch the lights on.  He was having fun making Micah (and himself) up until I walked in.  (I have a feeling that Imo’s lotion and make-up sessions with me and Uncle Justin inspired him.)  And Micah had no choice but to consent to this.  Both of them remained so quiet the whole time.  Manu had thrown the empty jar on the floor when I walked in.  He found the courage to look up and he too had his hair and face covered with the cream.  It was everywhere – on Micah’s blankets, on their clothes, on the actual crib…etc. 

Needless to say, their heads were so creamy and oily we weren’t sure where to start.  The girls got Micah and started a bath for him.  I had a “talk” with Imanuel and then he too got in the tub.  To give Manu some credit, he mentioned that Micah was already awake and that is why he decided to turn on the lights so they could see while they played.  This was stated after my accusation that he woke Micah up by turning on the lights.     

Anyhow, no matter how much shampoo was used, their hair remained greasy.  Today, two days after the incident and at least 6 shampoos later, there is still a slight oily film in their hair.  So, basically, not only have I wasted an entire new jar of cream, I used up at least a week’s worth of shampoo in 2 days! 
I was quite lucky to find out, after the fact, that Carol and Jennifer thought Micah looked so hilarious they had to take a picture before cleaning him off.  So, here is the calm, laid-back Micah after being woken up from his slumber and slathered with lotion by his brother.  He is held by the lovely Carol.

This following picture was taken the next day.  And just to let you know, their hair is NOT wet.  It’s made me a believer in the power of Eucerin.  It keeps the moisture in and never washes out! 

Manu insisted that Auntie Stephie be in the picture as well.  (We called her to wish her a happy birthday and she’s still on the line).

It is beginning to be a trying time with Imanuel.  Although that was a pretty hilarious experience, I know that now more than ever, I need to beg the Lord to give me wisdom and patience in how to deal with Manu’s mischief.  He just loves to have fun…but sometimes it is at the expense of obedience.  I pray that even now, Imanuel can develop the self-control to follow the rules, even when temptation is lurking at every corner (and from every object!).      

Micah Christian is 13 months…and TALKING.
On a more positive note, Micah is successfully signing:
– “more” – It has taken him a while, but he finally does this one properly!
– “please” – Often times, he ends up rubbing his thighs (or anything else) instead of his chest.
– “all done”
– “give”
– “I want that or I die!” – He made this one up himself.  He pounds on his head with both hands and looks at me intensely when he desperately wants some food item that he sees.  I have no idea where this has come from.

And he proudly utters two words: 
– “Ma-ma” – which ends up more like, “Ma-ma, Ma-ma, Ma-ma, Ma-ma…”
– “Bah-bah” (bye-bye) – And this goes along with frantic waving of his hands or with a phone to his ear.

Micah is such a (big) bundle of joy.  In his own calm manner, he can brighten the darkest night.  We are thrilled with his progress and we hope and pray he continues to develop his own little personality that is graced with the love of Christ.

Micah:  my calm, serious baby

Manu:  my sweet, mischevious boy 

Everyday brings such challenges and joys.  Both drive us to our knees in humility and awe.  Being a parent has been the most ground-breaking experience for me.  It has forced me to understand more of God and who He is and for that I am eternally grateful.  Praise be to God forever and ever!

P.S.  We pray Daddy will come home from Denmark safely tonight!

The Namm X-mas Games

This past Christmas, the Namms and families all got together in a beautiful, rustic cabin in St. Helen, MI.  It was pretty much the most memorable experience for our family…because historically, we don’t usually do anything.  It was extra special because we also celebrate two Namm b-days during the holidays.  Jukes was born on Christmas Eve and Dad was born on Christmas.  It was action/food-packed – the holidays aren’t for slackers – and there were high-stakes.   

There were Girl/Guy Challenges: 
– snowman building – GIRLS
– ping pong – GUYS
– board games (Taboo & Cranium) – GIRLS
– football in the snow – GUYS
– hat game – GUYS
– cookie decorating (which we never ended up doing)

Then there were Doubles Challenges:
– foosball – JULIE/JUSTIN
– ping pong – DAD/MOM

The official winners for girl/guy were the girls – pulling off a REPEAT from last year’s candy house contest.  And the winners for the doubles competition was Julie and Justin Namm.

But it wasn’t all competition.  We had two gift exchanges – one was a re-gift exchange and the other was the actual gift exchange.  And we did have some extra b-day gifts too.  So all of that, along with plenty of yummy food/cake/munchies/drinks, it was a great time.

It was lots of fun and many memories were made!  Here are a couple pictures from the weekend and once our siblings release the others, we’ll update in more detail.

In our backyard overlooking St. Helen Lake:

The guys:  Justin, Dad, Jukes, Imanuel, and Israel

The girls:  Mom, Julie, Imanuel, Judy, and Aileen  (Micah was napping.)

The ladies won the election, but on FB, the guys appear to have won the popular vote.  But we all know which one really counts. 

Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year!!

The Namm-Ramos Family

More from Micah’s “dol”

Halbuhgee made this special sign for Micah! Micah’s Korean name is Hyun-oo, if you didn’t know. πŸ™‚

Putting the “han-bok” on. A church member let us borrow theirs which was nice.

Daddy and the birthday boy

Our family

Micah with Halmuhnee and Halabuhgee

The little prince


The imposter prince


Pictures from today, Micah’s actual birthday


Micah, we are so proud of you! You have been the joy of our home! We are so thankful that God gave you to us and it is our daily prayer that we will provide for you a little heaven on earth. May the Lord give us wisdom to raise you in the fear of Him and may Imanuel be a faithful big brother and your best buddy throughout eternity. We love you!

Micah’s 1st Birthday!

Micah’s birthday celebration was spent with the Namm Family in Novi, MI on Sunday, November 16.  It was Korean-themed and we really appreciate Micah & Manu’s grandparents for putting on the party for us!  We enjoyed lots of yummy food and desserts. 

We also took some pictures today (-his real birthday) but we can’t find our USB so these pics will have to come later.  Thanks to Uncle Jukes & Auntie Aileen, we have pics from the party available.  So, here are some of their pictures from the special day! 

Cake & candle provided by Sam’s Club

Manu throwing up a “1” sign for his b-day bro.

The Namm family minus Auntie Julie
(plus John Yoon who always seems to show up at the kids’ birthday parties…with no gift.  )
* Micah is not in this picture bc things got carried away and he fell off of the rocker and was crying.*

Manu was so excited for his kid brother!  Micah is proudly showing 2 of his 4 teeth.  πŸ™‚

The hat was beginning to bother Micah…

But he held still for plenty of pictures.  Congratulations to our special birthday boy! 

More pics to come…(once we find our USB cable!)

Grandparents & Nature Pics

The past couple of weeks have been filled with family, nature, and CHANGE.  Within a few short weeks, we have seen the leaves go from green to colorful to fallen to brown.  Uncle Jukes and Auntie Aileen came up 3 weeks ago, my parents came up 2 weeks ago, and this past weekend, Israel’s parents came.  It is contested which week was the peak color time, but for sure this past week the leaves were mostly fallen, due to the rainy/windy/cold weather.  But, it was nice to enjoy this extraordinary transformation from week to week with family. 

Before the pics, I need to mention that on Sabbath, October 11, Micah began to crawl!  He just turned 11 months yesterday.  He had been scooting around like an inch worm for a couple weeks, but now he has finally gotten his coordination right and he has been crawling…usually straight to Bentley’s food and water bowl…but at this point, I’m still just excited that he is mobile.  He is content on the ground, meaning, my arms get a break.   

Okay, here are pics of the unbeatable fall colors of the Keweenaw and with both sets of grandparents! 

In front of our house 

** Halmuhnee & Halabuhgee’s visit (after their golf outing) : Oct. 10-15, 2008 **

“Halmuhnee and Halbuhgee” in the woods by our house

Walking home

Copper Harbor, MI at Brockway – the pride of the Keweenaw!

Enjoying the view 
Fall Leaf Arrangement that Manu and my mom collected.  Yes, Steph, it is in a Roma jar.  :]

After using our apple picker that grandpa made!  We made lots of yummy apple cider!

** Abuelo & Lala’s visit : Oct. 15-19, 2008 **

At Lake Superior : McClain State Park


Micah fell in love with Abuelo this visit!

They left 95 degree weather and came to the U.P. for these two boys!

Manu and Micah already miss their grandparents very much!  We hope time flies by so we can see them again soon! 

New Blog Promo

Israel started a blog a while ago, but I don’t think anyone really knows about it (except for Stephanie and Justink). So now that you know, check it out and be sure to leave comments so he can be encouraged to continue it. He doesn’t post often – only when he feels particularly moved – but I’m sure you’ll be spiritually uplifted by them.  

Israel Ramos’s blog: Invisible Faith

Micah Wants More, Please

Micah has reached his 10th month of life in the outside world and he learned his first word in sign – MORE.  He actually thinks it means “more please” since I always say “please” at the end of it when showing him.  Anyway, he has “spoken” his first word before being able to crawl.  This must be some sort of Guiness Record or something.  He can scoot around like an inchworm to get what he wants, but he has yet to get himself coordinated enough to get up on all fours and make it to his desired destination.  People have suggested that maybe he’ll go straight to walking, and I’m sure he would be a prime candidate for that.  But I’ve heard from people and read that children who skip the crawling stage end up being deficient in some physical/cognitive skills.  You could talk to an occupational therapist about it or just google it.  So, I’m trying to patiently wait for him to conquer crawling before I introduce him to walking. 

Anyway, here’s a picture of Micah saying his first word!

He would like you to have even “more” blessings this Sabbath day!  (And he’d like some more food…please.)

Are gDiapers for You?

There were some of you who were asking about how I felt about the gDiapers, so I thought I would share my thoughts on the matter:

1.  Do NOT switch over to gDiapers if cleanliness and ease are important to you.  It is messier AND dirtier than disposable diapers! 

Because the gdiapers do not contain any plastic, the material is breathable, and so the lining and outer undies may feel a little damp.  Micah is past the liquid poo stage, so I’m not sure if poo would seep into the lining as well – maybe.  It doesn’t for us.  Anyway, after you clean your baby, you have to carry the disposable lining to the toilet.  It is usually very damp.  If the lining got wet/soiled, you’d have to bring that along to wash off too.  Well, you have to rip open the side of the disposable lining with your hands (-remember that it is soiled with pee and maybe poo) and the shake it until the inner fluff comes out (which is also soaked with pee), get the swish stick, shake it around, then flush everything.  Then you rinse off the stick and  hang it back up by the toilet.  Sometimes the wet fluff gets on the seat of the toilet so you’d have to wipe that.  Then you wash your hands – thoroughly.  You cannot flush baby wipes unless you purchase flushable kinds (like for toddlers).  If try flushing the wipes, you eventually WILL clog your toilet!  So you would still need to toss the soiled wipes in the trash. 

2.  Do NOT switch over to gDiapers if your toilet doesn’t have a strong flush!

You’ll need a strong toilet flush to make sure all of the lining gets sucked in.  Once I didn’t swish enough and the outer lining caused my toilet to clog.  Now, my toilet has a decent flush, but I don’t take any chances anymore.  I even hold down the flusher until it goes down to maximize momentum.  If your toilet flush is questionable, gDiapers may not be for you.  Oh, and I don’t trust any other people’s/church’s toilets unless they are the industrial strength, especially because you don’t carry the swish stick around.

3.  Do NOT switch over to gDiapers if you want to save money.  It is more expensive than cloth AND disposables!

From Amazon, I purchased the starter kit (medium size) – comes with 2 outer undies, 4 liners, 10 disposable liners, and 1 swish stick – for $25 and I also purchased refill liners – a total of 128 – for $52.  Through Amazon, shipping was free.  If you have a Whole Foods or other natural food stores, they usually carry them so you wouldn’t need to worry about shipping anyway.  In comparison to Huggies, a size 4 box of 150 costs ~$40.  The Walmart brand of diapers that I’ve always bought (White Cloud) costs $15 for 92.   
After a week, I feel that the number of undies and liners are all that I’ll need, so I’ll just keep having to purchase the disposable liners when they run out.  Like I said before though, I just started now and Micah is 9 months.  He only needs a diaper change about 4 times a day, as opposed to younger babies and newborns who could use up to 10 and maybe need more liners/undies! 

4.  Do NOT switch over to gDiapers because they look cute and it’ll make you feel cool. 

Unless it is really hot and your baby hangs in his/her diaper only all day, no one even sees them except for you!  And while I did feel pretty cool the first couple of days, after all of the stinky flushes, the coolness factor wears off.

5.  Then WHY switch over to gDiapers??

I would strongly suggest that you switch over because you really want to help reduce waste in landfills (bc disposable diapers never go away!), you don’t want diaper chemicals to constantly be exposed/rubbing against your baby’s body, you want baby’s skin to breathe, you don’t want a stinky house (or trash can), you’re willing to go through the extra hassle of the flush system, but you’re not willing to go all the way to cloth diapering, and you are willilng to support a good cause. 

Feel free to check out the videos and tutorials on how the system works on their website:

Hope this was helpful to you!  Maybe after Israel comes home (- tonight at midnight!!) and he gets acquainted with gDiapering, he can share his thoughts too…

We’re Greener Than We Thought

For those of you who aren’t FIGers…

Meat: Making Global Warming Worse

By Bryan Walsh,8599,1839995,00.html?cnn=yes

Need another reason to feel guilty about feeding your children
that Happy Meal β€” aside from the fat, the calories and that voice in
your head asking why you can’t be bothered to actually cook a
well-balanced meal now and then? Rajendra Pachauri would like to offer
you one. The head of the U.N.’s Nobel Prize–winning Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change, Pachauri on Monday urged people around the
world to cut back on meat in order to combat climate change. “Give up
meat for one day [per week] at least initially, and decrease it from
there,” Pachauri told Britain’s Observer newspaper. “In terms
of immediacy of action and the feasibility of bringing about reductions
in a short period of time, it clearly is the most attractive
opportunity.” So, that addiction to pork and beef isn’t just clogging
your arteries; it’s flame-broiling the earth, too.

By the numbers, Pachauri is absolutely right. In a 2006 report, the
U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) concluded that worldwide
livestock farming generates 18% of the planet’s greenhouse gas
emissions β€” by comparison, all the world’s cars, trains, planes and
boats account for a combined 13% of greenhouse gas emissions. Much of
livestock’s contribution to global warming come from deforestation, as
the growing demand for meat results in trees being cut down to make
space for pasture or farmland to grow animal feed. Livestock takes up a
lot of space β€” nearly one-third of the earth’s entire landmass. In
Latin America, the FAO estimates that some 70% of former forest cover
has been converted for grazing. Lost forest cover heats the planet,
because trees absorb CO2 while they’re alive β€” and when they’re burned
or cut down, the greenhouse gas is released back into the atmosphere.

Then there’s manure β€” all that animal waste generates nitrous oxide, a
greenhouse gas that has 296 times the warming effect of CO2. And of
course, there is cow flatulence: as cattle digest grass or grain, they
produce methane gas, of which they expel up to 200 L a day. Given that
there are 100 million cattle in the U.S. alone, and that methane has 23
times the warming impact of CO2, the gas adds up.

The worrisome news is that as the world economy grows, so does global
meat consumption. The average person in the industrialized world eats
more than 176 lb. of meat annually, compared with around 66 lb.
consumed by the average resident of the developing world. As developing
nations get richer, one of the first things citizens spend their extra
income on is a more meat-rich diet. Whereas pork would once have been a
rare luxury in China, today even the relatively poor in the country’s
cities can afford a little meat at almost every meal β€” so much so that
pork imports to China rose more than 900% through the first four months
of the year. In 2008, global meat production is expected to top 280
million tons, and that figure could nearly double by 2050.

Producing all that meat will do more than just warm the world; it will
also raise pressure on land resources. The FAO estimates that about 20%
of the planet’s pastureland has been degraded by grazing animals, and
increased demand for meat means increased demand for animal feed β€” much
of the world’s grain production is fed to animals rather than to
humans. (The global spike in grain prices over the past year is in
large part due to the impact on grain supplies of the growing demand
for meat.) The expanded production of meat has been facilitated by
industrial feedlots, which bleed antibiotics and other noxious
chemicals. And of course, the human health impact of too much meat can
be seen in everything from bloated waistlines in America to rising
rates of cardiovascular disease in developing nations, where heart
attacks were once as rare as a T-bone steak.

So is Pachauri right that going vegetarian can save the planet? (At
least the 68-year-old Indian economist practices what he preaches.)
It’s true that giving up that average 176 lb. of meat a year is one of
the greenest lifestyle changes you can make as an individual. You can
drive a more fuel-efficient car, or install compact fluorescent
lightbulbs, or improve your insulation, but unless you intend to hunt
wild buffalo and boar, there’s really no green way to get meat β€”
although organic, locally farmed beef or chicken is better than its
factory-raised equivalents. The geophysicists Gidon Eschel and Pamela
Martin have estimated that if every American reduced meat consumption
by just 20%, the greenhouse gas savings would be the same as if we all
switched from a normal sedan to a hybrid Prius.

Still, Pachauri is just slightly off. It’s a tactical mistake, first of
all, to focus global warming action on personal restrictions. The
developed world could cut back hugely on its meat consumption, but
those gains would be largely swallowed up β€” sorry β€” by the developing
world, which isn’t likely to give up its newly acquired taste for
cheeseburgers and pork. The same goes for energy use, or travel. It’s
great for magazines to come up with 51 ways to save the environment but relying on individuals to voluntarily change their behavior is
nowhere near as effective as political change aimed at speeding the
transition to an economy far less carbon-intensive than our current
one. So, by all means cut back on the burgers β€” I recommend a nice deep-fried scorpion* β€” but remember that your choices from the takeout menu will matter less
than the choices made by those who inherit the White House next

*I personally would NOT recommend this.

I say, save Jen’s kind!  No more flatulence-pollution!  πŸ˜€  Haha, I’m so funny…

In Virum Perfectum