Touching up Bonnie with some Ramos artwork before heading out to camp pitch
Pastors Rodlie and Ilko during one of our morning worships
Manu came to pitch with Daddy — took a picture of his handy work. He helped Uncle Steve and others build beds for the new cabins
Manu takes a picture of his friend Israel while they work together with Uncle Steve
Teaching Micah and bros how to be a man
Father’s Day
Manu’s class memorizing Bible passages. No one can beat this primary class. No one.
This is how we roll
Loved our set-up. Judy cooking Korean Ramen
During a conversation with Mark Finley, Assistant to the President of the General Conference — check out how he rolls!




The boy’s idea of gardening — making dirt balls.

With the help of Judy’s parents, we upgraded our garden.  For two days straight, we worked until we literally couldn’t move anymore.  We then took Sabbath off and worked again on Sunday.  We cleared trees, tilled some land, made dirt mounds, put up a fence, transplanted Judy’s mom’s plants, and helped the boys plant their own gardens.

All of the materials from the fence were Craig’s List finds. Putting it up made us stronger, wiser, and richer (saved us more than $500.00).

Several things motivated us to expand our garden.  First we wanted to the kids to have the experience for themselves.  That is why Judy assigned them each a lot to work.  Additionally, home-grown food tastes so much better.  Lastly, a cook is not worthy of the name unless they are able to restrict their culinary creations within the limits of what they grow.  Menu items include several variations korean dishes, especially a traditional soup that’s eaten in a cold broth.

Judy the architect mapping out how the garden is gonna look and function. Judy the engineer mapping out how it’s going to flow.

The action first started by expanding the garden we already had.  After delineating our boundaries, Judy’s dad began tilling the land by shovel!  Luckily, we were able to later borrow a tiller from the Boyce Family.  We tilled the lot with our friend Daniel about three times until the soil was super soft.

Mom’s transplanted lettuce.

Then, we ran a work bee with the Namm Family.  Dad and I put up the fence, cut down trees, and transported hay, mulch, and manure.  Mom transplanted lettuce, tomatoes, and peppers.  And Judy arranged the garden by heaping mounds of soil for the boys to plant.  She also mowed the grounds for the first time this season.

The boys love animals and were thrilled to have bunnies in our backyard. They took care of them each day until the bunnies moved out.

Here are some more pics of our adventure.

Micah working it out next to Mama while Israel and Dad put up the fence.
Manu, proud of a job well done.
Ty making his produce selection.
Ty working on his garden plot.
Micah and Ty working on the garden while Manu runs the lawn mower aka Ramos Tractor.