Worm Sounds & Snacking Ants

Today for school, the older boys and I did 2 science experiments using a great book we checked out from the library.  It’s called Backyard Science

The first experiment was called “Worm Sounds”.  We took a large worm from our worm farm, put it on a piece of aluminum foil, and listened to the sounds of its setae (- the bristle-like parts of the worm used to grasp) as it crawled around.  We used a paper cone to help us hear better. 

They never knew we could “hear” worms crawling, or that they had the bristle-like structures on their body.  Had to go indoors for this one since Grandpa Lewis was mowing his lawn next door.  We needed it to be quiet to hear.  Memorable moment was when the worm decided to defecate on Imanuel’s hand.  To make things less uncomfortable, I shared how that is great fertilizer and the reason why we have a worm farm.  He is such a good sport, that boy.

The other experiment was called “Ants on a Log”, except it didn’t have to do with the snack kids like to eat.  It was about what snacks ants like to eat.  The boys had lots of fun choosing what types of food to use in this experiment.  Here’s what they decided:

Small pieces of Veggie Meat, Tostada, Fruit Snack, Lettuce, Chocolate, Pistachio, Cheese, and Garlic were their offerings.

At first, we had a hard time attracting the ants.  We placed the plate next to an ant home, but every time an ant would come onto the plate, it seemed that it would always happen upon the garlic first and then flee for dear life.  We learned early on that they DO NOT like garlic.  We waited a couple hours and when we came back, we were in for a surprise.  The ants were throwing down!  First things we noticed the ants were going after were the lettuce and the pistachio.  After those were nearly exhausted, they were gorging themselves on the veggie meat.  They hardly touched the tostada, cheese, fruit snack and chocolate.  Oh, and of course they stayed away from the garlic.  We left the plate out over night and we’ll see if they ended up gathering the rest of the food eventually.  But it was clear what they preferred to take first from our ant buffet.

The boys were surprised with the results.  First of all, they totally thought they were doing the ants a favor by giving them the pieces of fruit snack and chocolate.  They couldn’t fathom how the ants would not take full advantage of the free sugar.  Secondly, we watched one ant drag a huge chunk of pistachio clear across the plate to its home.  That was pretty amazing.  So, the conclusion was that ants not only are crazy hard workers, but they are also healthy!  I, personally, was inspired by their self-control and temperance.  I guess there is a reason why they are so strong. 

We targeted the ants that reside under the rocks in our front yard.

Micah is following an ant that was carrying an enormous leaf.

After 2 hours 

**New Photo** : The Next Morning – They were still hard at work!

We had lots of fun learning today.  The next couple of weeks, we’ll be doing more of the science projects/experiments from the book.  I appreciate how it uses basic household supplies and incorporates backyard nature.  Super-fun and super-easy.  And I love having school outdoors!