Baby Robins are Born!

About a week and a half ago, I was outside pruning the blueberry bushes when Imanuel and Micah started yelling excitedly.  Imanuel ran over first and told me that they had found a birds’ nest.  Then Micah caught up and was crying, “Look Mama!  An egg!”  He was holding a perfect little blue egg in his hand.  He was so overwhelmed with excitement that when I realized that it was a real egg, I had to do all in my power to not panic, show excitement, but then explain the importance of leaving the egg in possession of its mama…in its nest.  They showed me the nest and I had Micah gently put the egg back.  I said a little prayer asking for restoration of the egg, in the event that Micah had shaken it too much as he ran to me. 

From that day, we’ve checked on the eggs, briefly, every day.  Mr. & Mrs. Robin are on vigilant watch and we have been trying not to cause too much stress on them.  But nonetheless, we are thankful that Mrs. Robin decided to nest in our backyard – and so low to the ground so we could be a part of this miracle.  (Even Ty can walk up to it and see inside.)  And we thank Jesus that He has kept our robin family safe thus far.

The nest is securely situated in a little wedge of the apple tree, just a couple feet from the ground. 

This is when the boys first discovered the nest and the beautiful eggs.

Watching Mama & Daddy Robin take turns sitting on their eggs with binoculars.

A few days ago, I sent Manu to go check on the nest and he brought word to us that the eggs were starting to hatch!

This past Friday, two of the three baby robins had hatched!

I was a little nervous as to whether the third egg would make it.  Couldn’t help but think that maybe this was the egg that Micah had picked up.  After church yesterday, we went to check on the nest and the third chick had hatched!  I was thankful.   

You can hear Mama Robin going nuts as I came close to her babies.  But just couldn’t resist taking a short video!  What a blessing to be a witness to God’s power and love.