Home Project: The Play Set

This was definitely a labor of love from a grandfather to his grandkids.  You’re the best, Dad!

My dad found all of the materials including 2 play sets and lots of extra lumber on Craig’s List over the course of a few months.  We picked up the first play set way back in December while my sister was home.  My dad, my sister, my little brother, and Israel went to the house and had to first disassemble it before fitting it into our cars and driving it here.  The second play set and other materials were gathered last month on different trips with my dad and Israel.  But it wasn’t until last week that it was finally completed.  It was assembled with some changes and adjustments to the original, and my dad finished it off with a fresh coat of paint.  The boys love it!  For them, it’s even better than brand new.  🙂  Special thanks to my awesome siblings for all your help over Christmas.  We owe you!

Nearly finished…

The boys new play set!

And my dad made a swing for me too.  🙂

Total cost for this as well as supplies for a tree house Israel is working on:  $100.  We’re working our way towards self-sufficiency.  😉