Home Project: Backyard Patio

A few months back, Dad found an ad on craig’s list for a few hundred patio bricks for $40.  The owner no longer lived on the property and he was looking to completely strip the home, so he gave us permission to take whatever bricks we could pull up.  We made a few trips over there with various members of my family and we ended up hauling nearly a thousand bricks…all for $40.  To give you an idea of how crazy this is, if you were to buy these brand new, each brick would normally cost $1 per brick.

This past Wednesday, I ordered a few yards of 2NS sand to use for our patio renovation and some extra for the boys to play with.  The truck came within half an hour to drop it off and we got right to work.  Israel was at work, but my parents were there to help me.  We started by leveling sand over our existing concrete patio, and then we began laying the first bricks.  Yesterday and this morning, I finished laying the brick and brushing sand to fill in the gaps.  It definitely isn’t professional quality, but for using materials that cost approximately $60, I think it was worth it.  It was a lot of work, but I learned a lot throughout the process and it was rewarding to see the final product.  I now have a seriously legit farmer’s tan. 

The before shot.  You can’t see it very well, but the concrete has some major cracks in it.

Sand delivery

Dad leveling the sand with his ingenious homemade contraption

Laying brick

After filling in the gaps with sand…the final product!

Our first meal on our newly renovated patio.  It was extra delicious. 


Home Project: Backyard Fire Pit

Israel has wanted a fire pit since we first moved to the UP, but unfortunately, that never happened up there.  So, since the weather has warmed up, this was one of our first projects that we wanted to work on.  This past Tuesday, we chose a location and dug up the area where we wanted the fire pit to be.  We uprooted the old stones that were surrounding our gazebo, cleaned off the debris, and then transported them to create the border of the fire pit.  I love projects that cost us nothing but some ingenuity and a little elbow grease.

Using the fire pit for the first time…to roast Big Franks with my parents!

Looking forward to many more memories around the fire… 

Home Project: The Diet of Worms (Ramos Version)

If you don’t understand the title, read The Great Controversy, people.

Several weeks ago, I was invited to speak at an event in GA.  Since the trip overlapped with my birthday, we spent some time with our friends, the Chung Family.  It was there that my life changed forever.  I read parts of a book called The Self Sufficient Life: How to Live It.  The next week, as Justin Kim and I debriefed at a Barnes and Noble about CAMPUS, he purchased the book for me along with another one. 
Since then, we’ve been even more intentional about reusing, reducing, and recycling and trying to live off the land more than we have in the past.  As a way of educating our boys on these things, we decided to start a worm farm to help our garden out and to make composting easier. 
At first, I was about to purchase 1k worms online.  You can’t just go to Walmart or the gas station to purchase the legit ones.  Thankfully, we had a hard rain that made some worms surface to our patio.  That and the necessary digging required when we made our fire pit in the backyard gave us enough to start our first Ramos Worm Farm. 

Other friends we are hoping to attract and house: toads and frogs when we make a pond [right, Judy :)], and loaner bees.  We’ll see if we get around to doing this. 
For the Ramos Family, this is Eye Are (or IR AKA Israel Ramos).

Home Project: Herb Garden Box

Today was such a beautiful day.  We spent nearly the entire morning and most of the afternoon outside with the boys playing, cleaning out Bonnie, and organizing the garage and pole barn.  And then, as we were scoping out our land, we came across a bonanza.  Underneath a bunch of brush, Israel spotted what looked like a raised garden box.  Upon further inspection, we discovered that he was right!

While Israel worked on other things, the boys and I tackled the garden box.  At the same time, we tried to get a head start on our worm farm.  (This will be another post.)  As we cut and removed more and more brush, we uncovered a bunch of tomato cages that were hidden in there!   

Finally, we got enough dirt out of the box to where the two boys and I were able to lift it out and then drag it closer to the house.  I found some left-over white paint and brushes in the basement and we decided to give it some new life.  They loved this part the most.

Here is the final product!  It took Manu, Micah, and me a total of about 2 hours from start to finish.  Thankfully Ty napped the entire time. 

Later in the evening, Israel helped me transport this closer to our house and we decided it will soon be transformed into a raised herb garden – if we can get our seeds to grow, that is…haha!    

Science Experiment Week

Last week at the Ramos School for Boys, we spent school time doing science experiments from a science kit that we bought for Manu’s birthday.  We suspended our normal school routine to focus on science and more specifically how to conduct experiments to learn more about the amazing handiwork of God. 

We completed a series of 9 experiments throughout this week that dealt mainly with color, light, and dissolving/absorption.  The boys learned how to gather materials, read through procedures, make proper hypotheses, gather data, then come up with conclusions.  They were so excited to be scientists this past week.  I must add, I was very impressed with their work.

Here were some of their hypotheses:

“If we put a color tab in hot and cold water, then they will dissolve the same.”
“If we add 2 ml of red water and 2 ml of blue water, then the water will turn blue.”
“If we put the tabs inside the water, then it will turn into a rainbow.”
“If we add liquid soap to the soymilk, then there will be BIG bubbles.”

“If we add 4 ml of yellow water with 2 ml of blue water, then it will turn yellow again.”
“If we try the 24 color mixing challenge, then we can do it!”
“If put a color tab in hot water and cold water, then the one in the hot water will not dissolve.”
“If we put the 3 color tabs (primary colors) in the soymilk, then they will dissolve and turn it brown.”

So, as you can see, we did a lot of learning and there were plenty of surprises with the experiments. 

Our main materials

Dissolving color tabs in water and watching them fizz!

Mixing 2ml of 2 primary colors and making 4ml of secondary colors!

Mixing secondary colors together to make brown.

24 Color Mixing Challenge!

Growing colorful soft-watery crystals.

After an hour and a half, they grew nearly 10 times their size!

Observing through their magnifiers.

After a few days, we waited for all of the water to evaporate from the crystals and they shrunk back to original size, but they stayed colorful!

Learning how heat affects the rate of dissolving. 

Dissolving the color tabs in room temp soymilk and then seeing what happens when liquid soap is introduced. 
They loved the reaction that took place!  (Daddy was the most excited about this one.)

My students who now think God is even more amazing than before. 

This would make our Science Experiment Week a smashing success.

Manu’s 6th Birthday

Through a series of unfortunate events, our plans for March 4th changed.  In the place of a wedding weekend, our home was filled with visiting friends from across the country, lots of games, exercise, and ended with a last minute birthday party for our birthday boy.  It was definitely what I would call a fun and exciting weekend.  Maybe, at times, too exciting.  🙂

We called a few of Manu’s best buddies to see if they were free to come over on Sunday.  We were so glad that they could make it because it was so much fun!  Manu was also blessed to receive many generous gifts from his family, friends, uncles, and aunties.  Thank you to all those who thought of him on this special day.  He told me it was his best birthday ever! 

Here are a few shots from Manu’s 6th birthday.  The awesome photos courtesy of the Mendezes.

The sign for his name was made by Harabuhgee when Manu turned 1 year old!

Harabuhgee treated the boys to fries and Shamrock shakes for lunch – something only a grandpa could pull off.  Micah felt that THIS was the best party ever.  🙂

Playing some air hockey before heading to the Y

Went skating & swimming at the Y

Korean BBQ tacos for dinner at our place

In the basement for piñata time!  Youngest to oldest…

Manu’s turn!  Time to spin 10 times!

Daddy controlling the piñata.  Watch out or the piñata will come after you!

Finally, Auntie Tammy saved the day and was able to bust open that toucan!  There was a mad dash to the goodies!

Manu and the treats he collected. 

Birthday boy!

I feel so blessed and humbled that despite myself, Manu is growing to be such a sweet, caring, and intelligent child.  It is even more wonderful that he loves Jesus with all of his heart.  It is our perpetual prayer that he continues to grow in God’s grace and that God uses him for a special purpose to further the kingdom of Heaven. 

Thank you, Manu, for being the best firstborn son we could have ever asked for!  Your brothers are so blessed to have you to look up to.  We are so proud of you.  May you always shine for Jesus!

Home Project: The Boys’ Bedroom

Since we’ve moved in to our new house, we haven’t had much time to design or decorate our home.  I guess this is the final phase of moving.  So, the last couple of days, the boys and I decided to make-over their bedroom.  When we moved in, we didn’t assemble the boys’ bunk beds because we were just so tired.  We just pushed both beds together and all three boys slept together in the make-shift king bed.  And, there was nothing else in the room except for a space heater.  This has all changed the past couple of days!

We assembled the bunks and put Ty’s toddler bed in the room and then it was time to decorate.  We had a limited budget, so we mainly used what we already had.  The only purchases were the large area rug we found on sale for $20 and some cork that we bought for about $10.  We had a great time doing this and now they absolutely love their room!

They wanted a calendar and they chose what they wanted on the side table. 

Ty’s side of the room with 3 squares of cork we attached to the wall.

The older boys’ side of the room.  They wanted to hang up their own pictures and memorabilia so we measured and cut out strips of cork and attached them to the wall.  Micah has his strip by his bed and Manu has his on the top bunk.

They love their Guam map and also the caricatured map of Houghton/Hancock.  It has all of our favorite hang-out spots from when we lived in the U.P.

Since we set up their room, they now faithfully make their beds and have kept it very clean.  It’s amazing how much pride and care they now have for their own space.  We put two baskets of toys – one for stuffed animals and one for their cars/trains/planes.  We made a rule that they can only play with these toys in their room, and that they must put them away after playing.  Just having 2 baskets has made clean up very simple and easy and it has made their play room much neater as well. 

And now we’re on to the rest of the house…