Settling In

From the time we moved down until now, everything has been such a blur. I guess that’s because the first couple of weeks were spent unpacking and settling in, then came the holidays and my whole family was able to spend time together, and then just until last Sunday, my sister has been here with us during her 5 week vacation. But now that she is gone and I realize that 2 months have gone by without much warning, I’m feeling the pressure to get back into the swing of real life. The challenge is that I’m still trying to figure out what that looks like.

This past Monday, I “officially” started school with the two older boys. During Ty’s nap, we spend one structured hour together. The boys have been begging me to make school longer, but I think one hour is all I can handle. It is also really all they need. I’m really enjoying getting back into the swing of structured teaching. I may write more about that later.

I’m currently at a place where I am highly motivated to restructure everything in my life. I want to get back into triathlon training so modified meal plans are in the works. This ties in with our new goals for budgeting and adjusting to our new daily schedules. While my sister was here, I experienced something similar to when I spent that time with her in Guam. I can’t really place my finger on what it is, but being with her is so refreshing. It was like finding myself again.

This past Christmas when my whole family was together, I realized something I never thought about before. It was like rediscovering roots I had forgotten I had – like remembering who I am. I think time apart, living separate lives is essential to personal growth and development. However, coming back together was like a breath of fresh air. It helped to give me a sense of personal identity once again. After all, deep down, I still am a proud Namm. I don’t think anything can take that away from me and it is something I could never deny.

The Namm in me pushes me upwards to new heights and lofty goals. The Ramos in me causes me to think outside the box and to remember to value what truly matters. Both of those combined teaches me to live a meaningful life filled with faith, hope, and love.  It is a perfect combination that only God could have orchestrated.

I know I need God’s help most of all. I need His undying love to keep me humble and fervent. I need His strength to give me perseverance and discipline. And I need His wisdom to keep me on the right track. I want to do great things for Him.

So, here’s to an amazing new year in a new city and home! Here’s to a new chapter in our lives.

Me and the boys in our new home in DeWitt, MI.  January 2012.