Sabbath Afternoon Musings

Up until recently, Micah had been riding the trike, since the tiny white bike broke. After Manu learned to ride on a two-wheeler, we decided to buy Micah a real bike with training wheels. We also bought the boys new bike helmets since Micah’s cracked and we decided to give Manu’s helmet to Ty. (Ty refuses to ride his colorful plastic truck without his helmet.) And that’s when we realized just how large Micah’s head is. At first the issue was what type of design they wanted to choose. After trying a few on, it came down to which one would actually fit Micah’s head! We ended up buying a size 5yr+ for Manu and we had to buy Micah a 8yr+ helmet! His shoe size has officially surpassed Manu’s as well. I am deviating. Anyhow, since we bought the new bike/helmets, the boys just love going outside together to ride on our long driveway.

Yesterday after church and potluck, and after the boys took their nap, and after Israel came back from prison, we loaded their bikes into the car and drove to the canal. We had a great time enjoying nature and spending time together as a family. It was one of those afternoons where I found myself overwhelmingly thankful for the many undeserved blessings He has given me. In recent times, I have often felt overcome with bouts of anxiety and bitterness…as if a great injustice has been done to me. But I have been reminded that those few french fries are His. How selfish of me to have taken so many things for granted! And to doubt His infinite wisdom and love! Seriously, why would He turn on me now? The serene lake, the magnificent setting sun, and the crisp clean air all pointed to the One who wants to lift my burdens and free my mind from worry and fear – to allow Him to be responsible for the outcomes. To simply trust Him…

It wouldn’t have been a perfect ride were it not for the fact that Israel experienced bike drama…again. His left pedal broke off. Yes, it busted off with no hope of repair. (Kimmy/John, remember our conversation about bad luck? His story continues…) But that’s okay. The boys were able to ride the full two miles with ease and we enjoyed the view at a slower (walking) pace together. That’s yet another reason why I love him. He’s so consistent and predictable. So, it was a perfect outing.

I’ve decided to live a renewed life of faith. No matter what God takes away from me, I feel blessed He gave it to me in the first place. Even if it was just for a moment. He is always taking us steps forward, never back. And I like to remind myself that if we could only see the end from the beginning, everything would make perfect sense.

