Trail Running at Hungarian

On Thursday evening, Dan and John came up from downstate to visit with us for the weekend.  We’ve enjoyed spending time with them.  We went to church this morning and then spent a few hours talking and hanging out.  But then, people started dropping like flies.  Right now, there are 8 people in this house and 6 of them are sleeping either in beds or crashed on the couches.  This is like deja vu from when I was a little girl and I would hate when everyone would be tired and take a nap except for me! 

So, to remedy this, I decided to post some pics from when Dan and I went trail running up through Hungarian Falls yesterday afternoon (while IR and John sat on the couch).  We saw a series of about 8 of the waterfalls during our run.  It was so awesome!  We had a great time exploring new trails and the falls are so amazing right now! 

The before picture…(this is like take 10)

Taking a breather to enjoy the view

Can you spot Dan?

It was freezing…literally.

We ventured over to the other side of the river and found some crazy steep falls that I never saw before!

We were glad that eventually we found our way back to where we started.  It was an awesome run! 


Dan, thanks for NOT being the “laziest man I know”!  haha!  I had a blast!

Now, I hope some of these people over here will wake up so we can play!!  🙂