Ty-Bizzle is Bipedal

I honestly thought this day would never come.  You know it’s bad when a mother is praying to the God in Heaven that her son would learn to walk.  But the day has finally come and Titus Israel Ramos, at a few days shy of 16 months, is officially a biped.

The real breakthrough came when we were at prayer meeting at Houghton church on Tuesday evening.  He kept walking from the side bench to Karen’s seat which was about 6 feet away.  It had been a while since I took the boys to prayer meeting since it was past their bedtime.  Well, after last week, I was kicking myself for not bringing Ty to prayer meeting 4 months earlier!

He is so chill, I can’t blame him.  Even now, he is quite the shy walker.  When you watch him walking, he can’t help but grin and more often than not, it causes him to fall over.  But I still think it is safe to consider this official.  Here are some pics of our baby who decided it was time for him to join the big boys club at last:

Now that he can walk, his favorite place to go is the pantry to see what snacks he can find.

He and Aroe definitely have a special bond.  Here’s Ty giving Aroe five.


We’re so proud of you, Ty!