Three’s a Crowd in the Tub!

For a few months now, the boys have been taking tubs together.  No matter how much the two older ones bicker about who’s hogging up too much space in our tiny bathtub, they insist on taking a bath altogether.  Ty has really been enjoying the company too.  He loves splashing his brothers, scrubbing their shampoo-covered hair, and touching their soapy skin.  They have lots of fun together, but the only thing is that I wish we had a sliding bathtub door!

Sporting Harabuhgee’s fav hairstyle

Being silly

They love their tubby time!

Freedom is Coming!

In my fleeting life of 29 years, I’ve been:

– my cats’ owner for 7 years and 3 months
– married to the IR for 6 years and 6 months
– Bentley’s favorite owner for 5 years and 10 months
– pregnant for 2 years and 3 months
– a mama for 4 years and 10 months and…
– nursing for 2 years and 9 months

Today marks the day that Titus has officially been weaned. And there was a deliberate reason why I decided to wean Ty at this time.

I’ve always considered Israel to be a wonderful husband and father. I’ve always felt so blessed to have him by my side. But this time, I do believe he has gone over the top in showing me yet another dimension of his unearthly thoughtfulness and care.  For over a year now, he has been trying to get me to go somewhere, anywhere, on a vacation by myself while he watched the kids.  He wanted me to just “take a break”. I’ve always turned him down because, frankly, I didn’t care to take a vacation without the rest of my family. For me, a vacation would be meaningless without spending it with those I love the most.  He started bringing it up while I was pregnant with Ty.  Seemingly bad move.  For me, being on a vacation while pregnant would basically negate the fact that it’s a vacation. Grand Cayman was a case in point. But the thought was somewhat loosely planted in my mind.  Soon after birth, it was never an option for me since I was nursing Ty. Well, my persistent husband has managed to find THE perfect way to give me a break and I couldn’t be more grateful…AND ECSTATIC! He has booked tickets for me and my mom to go visit my sister in Guam next month!  

Coming from a family of strong, independent women, this gesture really means a lot to us. At first I was hesitant.  Then, I agreed on terms that I’d bring Ty, especially since we wouldn’t have to pay for his airfare anyway. But Israel wouldn’t budge and after his long list of reasons why we should just go in complete freedom, I was convinced. This will be the first time that I will relinquish all 6 of the responsibilities that I’ve listed above AND this will be the first time just the 3 of us girls get to spend together in a tropical paradise.  I cannot describe the excitement.

The set up couldn’t have been better.  My sister is currently working as a missionary doctor in Guam so we have a spacious condo to stay at, plus she was able to get time off for the entire time we’re there.  My dad is so amazing to send my mom to Guam for 2 weeks and then to Korea for 3 weeks to visit her older sister. I will be spending a little over 2 weeks in Guam with my older sister before coming back home.  It is going to be such a meaningful trip on so many different levels.

Israel is such a great dad and I actually think he’s super-excited about spending time alone with boys, but I know he is doing this 100% for me.  I could never ever repay Israel for this unexpected gift. I haven’t even gone yet, and sometimes when I think about, I get overwhelmed. It means so much more than a vacation.  I will miss my boys & Israel, but I couldn’t pass up this perfect opportunity.  This has truly shown me what a great man Israel Ramos is.

So, next month, on February 11th, my mother and I will be taking a 20+ hour plane ride together to the beautiful island of Guam. 3 Namm girls, 2 adorable kitties, warm weather, tennis courts, a car, plus lots of free time to do anything we want = THE BEST VACATION WAITING TO HAPPEN!

My freedom is indeed coming.  Until then, I’ll be packing up my summer clothes, researching fun things to do in Guam…oh, and you know I’ll be finishing up my comprehensive home/child manual booklet for Israel.  Leaving won’t be that easy.